Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hydrogen Peroxide Hiv

Heresies Philosophical - Philosophical Heresies - Preaching Written - Armando Alducin - Part 2 of 4

philosophy then tries to find and penetrate into the thoughts that are off-limits to humans, and the apostle Paul writes in First Corinthians chapter 2, verses 7 to 14 words: "we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew: for if they had known, would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man The things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit ... "

You see ladies and gentlemen, the bible says that man is limited in its reasoning, has a limited intelligence, has a limited deductions, is limited in its philosophy. Because man is a being designed for 60 volts, not 100 volts, and when you want to pass and enter as it is dark, in what is a mystery as the origins Who are you? And Where are you going?, The Bible says there are two results: either that person is crazy, or suicidal, but the big feature is an irony of fate 90% of atheists, agnostics and those who have rejected God's truth is that in his personality are extremely bitter beings.

I have not met an atheist who tells me "see the light reflecting off my face, look at the love I have for my family," etc., Etc., Because the bitterness leads them to say "I do not understand God, I reject conclusion. " How absurd to deny the existence of God because they do not understand, or I should be honest and say 'I do not know God nor understand it, but wondered, that he explain to me what is going on what happened with Hurricane Gilbert, "but you can not friend philosopher who hear me, to reach the wrong conclusion by saying "God does not exist, God is dead, because I do not understand" that's being intellectually dishonest, but rather accept that you do not know, nor understand, nor know it happens, or they die in hurricanes, or they die innocent, and say, 'Lord, if you exist explain it, because I want to know, "we have to start from that premise to know God.

see us then that the philosophy has been futile, has become fatwa, has become arrogant, trying to invade the field of supernatural origin and, in Romans 1 from 21 to 22, the Apostle Paul says: "Having known God, they neither glorified him as God or give thanks, but became futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened, professing to be wise have become fools" . It says in First Corinthians chapter 3 of the 19 to 20 the Apostle Paul "Because (the philosophy of this world), the world's wisdom is foolishness with God it is written, He taketh the wise in craftiness. And again, (says the Lord) The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain " . That vain, arrogant, haughty, has become a human being trying to defy God by trying to force God, trying to pervert the holy things which He has created, with the only fault I can not understand , and they can not understand why they are not looking, the Bible says: "I find if you seek me with all your heart and with all thy soul." Are you seeking God?, If you're looking for what you are getting, if you reject it without trying to get it, do not expect to ever know the truth.

Second Instead we have the second heresy that Christ is more traditions, more Christ traditions. Tradition or the tradition is the teaching that is not rooted in biblical revelation, but in men, you know what is the main problem of tradition? The problem of authority when a man says, "is that's the truth "and contradicts what the Bible says, I as a human being find two options, or I believe, and do, and obey what the man says, or I do and obey what the Bible says, because if what people say and what the Bible says collide and contradict each other, I have the problem of authority Who has more authority: Bible or men?.

We can never put the Bible next to traditions because Christ said in Mark chapter 7, verses 6 through 9 and verse 13, that the tradition of men invalidated the word of God and Christ to harshly attacked religious of his time telling these words: "Responding said, hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, as it is written, This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men, invalidate my word through your tradition which you hand " .

Once I told them some breakfast which was a daughter and told her mother "Mom, because you do the meat in a pot so small" mom and said "because my mom taught me to do so" , then the daughter was with her grandmother and said, 'Why did grandma taught my mom put the meat in a pot so small? "and the grandmother replied," because my mother taught me ", was then with the grandmother and asked, "Why bisabuelita hear you taught my grandmother, then my grandmother to my mother and then my mom to me to cook the meat in a pot so small? "and then bisabuelita answered and said," because they had larger pots. "

When we are inheriting a tradition and often say, right?, "Is that is the tradition of my parents', but listen to me very well, our parents always have given us the best, not always within doctrine and philosophy have given us the best, if your parents were atheists, for the love your parents you going to be an atheist?, if your parents were part of a system of wrong thinking "You have to be like your parents? You are responsible before God to be able to investigate and figure out if what your parents taught you was the truth. God has no nephews or grandchildren. I know people who have told me 'I am a Christian and I go to heaven, why?, Because I have an uncle who is a bishop, is that my dad is Christian and my dad is a preacher, "though your daddy is a preacher, even if you nephew of the pope, if you do not become born again and you go to hell. God just have children, grandchildren or nephews.

Hundreds of traditions that are rooted in the Bible have been introduced and have perverted Christianity for over eighteen centuries. The apostle Paul wrote in the First Letter Timothy chapter 3 (* 6) of 3 to 5 words: "If anyone does not agree with sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine conforming to godliness, is conceited and understands nothing, doting about questions and strifes of words, words of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth " . If the church you go, if the sect to which you go, if the religion that'll teach you, because they say that fifty years ago taught me that and no matter who has taught any teach that education has its origins in the Bible is making the word of God. Y Listen to me very well, when man begins to contend for the faith, and to defend the word and the purity of the Bible human beings begin to be persecuted by his own relatives, by their own families, by their own people or religious brothers . But someday we must deny our blood because the purity of the Bible is kept intact.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

* Not included in audio, but this is the right chapter.

Mile thanks to my sister for the transcript of this conference

Continued ...

Part - Part II - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher particular, but to see clearly that the answers lie in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (Jn . 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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CREDITS: http://palabradelibertad.blogspot. com /


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