Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Stone by stone. Hernán Vargascarreño. National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010. .... NTC digital edition ...

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.
Stone by stone Hernán Vargascarreño

National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010
print edition, November 2010. 62 pages. ISBN 978-958-99287-4-5
Exile Editions, Bogota, Santa Marta, Colombia.
NTC ... , December 30, 2010

cover. ISBN 978-958-99287-4-5


Poet Vargascarreño Hernán.
Photo: Sylvia Sanle

Back cover. (Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here).
Stone by stone in 2010 received the
National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango ,
awarded by the Institute of Culture of El Carmen de Viboral
, hometown of the poet JM Arango .
The jury was made up of writers Armando Ibarra
Racines, Marcel
and Luis Valencia Valencia Germain Sierra Jaramillo.


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's poems in this edition may be disseminated by any means, provided it is non-profit and noting both the name of the author and book title.



"stone by stone" of HERNÁN VARGASCARREÑO. National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010. ,


Hernán poetry Vargascarreño
hit a target that is the poem

By Harold Alvarado Tenorio , asdfghjkl.123456 @ .

Cartagena, January 28, 2011. Text presented and read the book launch in the city.

As is known, since the advent of the avant-garde of our time have used the syntax of cinema to create imaginary correlates tensions between reality and desire, past resolved with the help of meter and rhyme. But between us poetic exercises have been dominated from the nothingness and his followers, for a language and repetitive syntax dead models. Young people without education have benefited from these languages \u200b\u200band subjects. It seems like we make a return to one of the poem spots of experimental psychology of Hermann Rorschach, when the patient sees a China ink and only read what you want. Never mind the recovery or inventions of the individual but the public offering of glossolalia, unarticulated explorations combinatorial strings of metaphors and neologisms, no sound or music that did not reach anything, this "other side of life" sought by Huidobro. A language without maps, without regard to reality or the invention, expression of the wreck of life suffer.

Very little, indeed, what I know of life, say poetic, Hernan Vargascarreño, and even though I read somewhere that another of his previous books, is better here, where I delayed my attention for reasons I will explain later.

Vargascarreño believed to have been dazzled by the poetry already well advanced in years, after reading in some translations, perhaps José Manuel Arango, the lone Amherst, Mrs. Dickinson. Rather than having sought the muse, Vargascarreño was invaded by it, mudándole, as it happens from the beginning of the world, in one of their mediums, rather than the recipient. Chosen of the gods, they would say in the cultures of the ancient world. So, unlike many of today's poets, Vargascarreño lacks a composition system and does not practice poetry as works but as shivering. All those virtues and defects circulating Stone by stone.

A book that explores four rooms, times, and hallucinations suffered by the poet: the sea as a sign of life, trains and rails of fate, the word as an instrument of penetration in the world and carving chisel beauty and death, enigma of existence.

While Vargascarreño has frequented know if theses directly thinkers such as Confucius and Lao Zi's Taoist or Zhuang Zi, who represent two of the main trends of Chinese poetry, emphasizing one on the responsibilities of the individual with their families and coworkers [say the correct word in each case is to rectify the wrong way] [ming jiao] and others, highlighting the nature and spontaneity with which the world must act in accordance with the eternal laws of the cosmos [zi ran], classicism and romanticism, Apollo and Dionysus concur in Stone by stone with a display and tenacity to hit a target that is the poem.

The first section of Stone by stone, Marine Visions, is a double tribute to the port of Santa Marta, where he lived Vargascarreño several decades, and Hector Herazo Rojas, whom he quotes. But neither the one nor the other are portrayed and profiled in his poems. It is here on an inner journey to meet with the lighter events that happened along the shores of the sea and the harbor area with their young Cubans marching from suffocation and the revelry of the night. As if the voice that celebrates the past life was an old tax collector for the patrons of cotton and not the insatiable young dissolute who succumbs to the light and landscape sets. 10

FORGET Bay on the night dozing

the universe without a city,
without parishioners,
without us. Carved

the distance these repeated
of blue-green sea.
Abandonémosla under its own spectrum
blowing a point in the world and its waters

shaking with birds, foliage and delusions
under the harsh design of the gods. Some
cruelty has to hide so that
if we take the bay in our journey. And though far

-as a mirror of oblivion
now the sea in sight of my eyes, his anguish still roaring

deep into the abyss of my nights.

Section National Rail East is an exercise which appears to be a model or some poems by Alvaro Mutis or the memory of the switchman of Juan José Arreola. Here again Vargascarreño to engage China in a memorable practice: handle both the model to make it disappear into another being. The other, the same.

also know the train returning from mists, in religious silence, before dawn. Mild, invading with its long shadow on the season, and there are installed in absolute silence, as breathing relief from their memory of so many routes and humiliated. Just plain, with its grotesque fleeing aimlessly known, but before the day cleared of all human memory for not even daring to humiliate life.

For all may have intended a train at the right moment. Now comes one known to you. Look out the window and apréstate for passage. See his trail dark and not fear their deafening silence or his icy whiff. Looking at their counters your familiar faces, they will recognize, and toss your bleak and brief greeting. Tomorrow will be the passenger itinerary eternal longing for the slightest break in any season of oblivion.

Vargascarreño In the next chapter faces the dilemma of using signs or are the thing or act and abuse, fraud or damage must be rectified as Confucius did. What is not meant to be corrected or deleted. Brick by brick, word by word, is also a compliment to Rafael Cadenas, and no doubt José Saramago for whom "we live in paradise useless word and image that does not work, a world where the audience is revered in all the altars and the system has become accomplices to their own victims. " For the silent chains "we ignore that words are not attempts to represent reality itself. Forget the inaccessibility of the represented, especially when the object is not an object but an intangible, a feeling. " 10

can reap a word
as a good grudge.
is possible that the word clock is moving,
but his time is stationary.
There is something indescribable in the word puzzle, but once
solved the riddle
Everybody scream one word in unison, but each
calls his own. A mystery not revealed

lies in the word mystery.

When we discovered the desolation of man, animals
check what we are silent and sterile
of words.
Stone by stone, word for word

have risen the most shameful ignominy.
Stone by stone,
word for word,
also have known

And so to the end. Vargascarreño knows that nothing will be taken to Hades to the Elysian Fields or Tartarus, and is quite useless Charon hire for a trip like that. Better, it seems Zapatoca that the poet, who proposed the trip Lezama Lima in the dining room and toilet, covering mental life.

I return to the beginning of my journey.
Return at the end of every man dreamed
know myself.
I shed this mask
both size and I adjust the peaceful face of nothingness.
But tomorrow was a day

years ago ... I can not remember when. Harold Alvarado Tenorio
asdfghjkl.123456 @


updated: NTC ... / gra . December 30, 2010. 10:24 PM. Feb. 17, 2011. 6:10 a.m.



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