, Cali, Colombia.
contemporary Latin American poetry anthology
Selection Piedad Bonnett
Standard. September 15, 2010.
Poster Invitation (Turpentine), cover of the book ( 1 ) and Piedad Bonnett in Cali , Nov. 20, 2007 (Photo: Mary Elizabeth Homes NTC ...).
Source: EVENTS from January 15, 2011. NTC newsletter ... , .
Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry Selection Piedad Bonnett (Cara y Cruz Collection of Editorial Norma).
Presentation. Created 100 years takes off with the name of Argentine Girondo Oliverio. Includes poems by César Vallejo, Vicente Huidobro, Jorge Luis Borges, Javier Villaurrutia, Aurelio Arturo, Enrique Molina, José Lezama Lima, Olga Orozco, Eliseo Diego, Alvaro Mutis, Circe Maia, Raul Hernandez Novas, Fina García Marruz, Ida Vitale, Eduardo Lizalde, Juan Gelman, Marosa di Giorgio, Pizarnik, José Manuel Arango, José Watanabe, Maria Mercedes Carranza, Dario Jaramillo, Marco Antonio Campos, Coral Bracho and Rómulo Bustos, among others. Accompanies the book's prologue the author and text Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda .
Piedad Bonnett make a conversation about American poetry, anthologies and his work on the current state of opera in Latin America.
Location: TURPENTINE ARTS & BOOKS ( , ). Av Cra 24 No. 37-44. Park Way - La Soledad. Info: David Trujillo Bustamante, Turpentine Audiovisual Communications, Arts & Books Mobile: + (57) 300 614 77 25. . Admission is free.
About the book and anthologist.
On the cover of the book reproduces the first stanza of the following poem by Vicente Huidobro.
Poetic Art
That verse is like a key
That opens a thousand doors.
A leaf falls, something flies;
The eyes look be created,
And the soul of the listener is shaking.
Invent new worlds and watch your word
The adjective, when it gives life, kills.
We are in the cycle of nerves.
The muscle hangs
As I recall, in museums,
But why not have less strength
True vigor Resides in the head.
Why do you sing the rose, oh Poetas!
make it bloom in the poem;
us live only for everything under the sun
The Poet is a small God.
In The Mirror of Water, 1916. Http://
Vicente Huidobro (Chile, 1893-1948)
Cara and crosscontemporary Latin American poetry anthology
Author (s) Piedad Bonnett
Release Date: 9/15/2010. Format: 13.7 x 21. No pages: 318 All
anthology aims to be both representative and stimulating. The chosen pieces intended to represent the best, or most important or most significant output of a continent, a country, a time or an author. And encourage the reader: the small sample so that haunts him to undertake a broader search of the works of those who passionately.
This anthology has been proposed both, but more to illustrate, I would like to seduce or report cover. Make the reader to poetry, the uneasy or student teacher who has had little contact with the genre, not just know a number of important and representative of American poets, but fall in love with poetry in general, and Latin American in particular.Con classic poems as Neruda, Borges, Vallejo, Arturo and Mutis, as well as new voices like William Ospina, Oscar Hahn, Coral Bracho, Yolanda Pantin, Ramón Cote and many more. All poems have been chosen considering a teenage audience that is confronted for the first time to poetry, with themes and styles that will be of interest. The brief section Cruz, Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda , exhibits, a clear and concise way, a panorama of Latin American poetry (poets, concentrating more on some than others) that goes from the front today.
This is a comprehensive anthology that not only teachers but also appreciate youth and poetry lovers.
MORE ABOUT THE BOOK: Anthology of contemporary Latin American poetry. Piedad Bonnett selection. Standard. September 2010. The book. ,
ON Piedad Bonnett.
*** Piedad Bonnett in "History of Poetry in Colombia ..." 3a. Edition. Casa Silva, December 2009. , . There information and various links, including one on his official website: . ***
"The Inheritance." Piedad Bonnett,
*** master of the genre. Keynotes ,
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