Reading the latest news from the Italian magazine "Sports People" stumbling block to this article, whose source is on page Nove Firenze (got the link by clicking on Nove Firenze), which is told through the presentation of a documentary history of a particular football team, from the nompre, Florence. As peculiar as they, their ultras, ultras former Fiorentina's tired of football business and the logic of money in gold divisions of Italian football, with its headquarters in the largest city squat, Popular Self-managed Center Firenze Sud, are twinned with the group Coloniacs (the German Colony) and I take the end of the translation of it to upload some photos.
"We love Lebowski" is a documentary about the world of football, described through the point of view of the curve Moana Pozzi.
This is a unique case in international football scene, the experience of Lebowski fans represent an example of social consciousness and emotional basis. The URL, ultimi Rimasti Lebowski, are followers infantigables, to which they are not as interested in the outcome of the game as the players' commitment and friendship in curve.
spectacularized Tired of football and everything that revolves around it, Lebowski fans decided to leave the curves of the stadiums in Serie A to begin to motivate a team fiorentino third category totally self-funded, private, talent recognition, yet strong personality and big heart. Outside any speculative logic, the curve Moana Pozzi, conquered the sympathy of several national and international swollen, and bring upon themselves the attention of the public and the press, but never losing sight of their own values.
result of a long process of making and production, Ciboideale documentary focuses on the movement in the curve, without ever inquiring about the actions in the field of team players.
The choreography, the songs, the movements of the followers ... in stark contrast to the desolation of the soccer fields of the suburbs, reveals an unexpected aesthetic potential. Potential in the draft Ciboideale, finds expression in video, presented in partnership
EX3 Center next to the documentary, and until January 30, 2011, in a room that same center is a photo exhibition which also form part of the "We love Lebowski"
births in 2002 the Ciboideale are Gian Luca Rossetti and Andrea d'Amore. His artistic work is cross and has various expressive techniques, but focus more on performance and video. Pippo
Russian sociologist and writer sees this project as follows: "The case of the ultras of the Lebowski is a rare, perhaps unique in the panorama of the footballing swollen, not only in Italy. This is the case a group of kids from a certain point in their lives, and having grown up with other football passion, decide to get together around a computer, create and create the final team classification at the federal championship final. This passion and loyalty is not territorial pride or family heritage or cultural issues, this passion and loyalty is because as these kids, the Lebowski team embodies the values \u200b\u200bof an old football that no longer exists, especially regarding the values \u200b\u200bof a football contrasts with the modern game, modern football that these kids, or have been expelled or in most cases are not recognized more in it. During the nineties, in the economically most advanced European countries, football is facing a genetic mutation, evolution in pure spectacle, a kind of mass entertainment that stops responding to the logical sport to take the hard-nosed business. In their expressions extreme, it tends to colonize any space and time, is on the calendar in the mass media, and engulfing the reality of popular and grassroots football. So this is a challenge: give up or resist. Many surrendered, others, however, resist. As the URL: ultimi Rimasti Lebowski. "
result of a long process of making and production, Ciboideale documentary focuses on the movement in the curve, without ever inquiring about the actions in the field of team players.
The choreography, the songs, the movements of the followers ... in stark contrast to the desolation of the soccer fields of the suburbs, reveals an unexpected aesthetic potential. Potential in the draft Ciboideale, finds expression in video, presented in partnership
EX3 Center next to the documentary, and until January 30, 2011, in a room that same center is a photo exhibition which also form part of the "We love Lebowski"
births in 2002 the Ciboideale are Gian Luca Rossetti and Andrea d'Amore. His artistic work is cross and has various expressive techniques, but focus more on performance and video. Pippo
Russian sociologist and writer sees this project as follows: "The case of the ultras of the Lebowski is a rare, perhaps unique in the panorama of the footballing swollen, not only in Italy. This is the case a group of kids from a certain point in their lives, and having grown up with other football passion, decide to get together around a computer, create and create the final team classification at the federal championship final. This passion and loyalty is not territorial pride or family heritage or cultural issues, this passion and loyalty is because as these kids, the Lebowski team embodies the values \u200b\u200bof an old football that no longer exists, especially regarding the values \u200b\u200bof a football contrasts with the modern game, modern football that these kids, or have been expelled or in most cases are not recognized more in it. During the nineties, in the economically most advanced European countries, football is facing a genetic mutation, evolution in pure spectacle, a kind of mass entertainment that stops responding to the logical sport to take the hard-nosed business. In their expressions extreme, it tends to colonize any space and time, is on the calendar in the mass media, and engulfing the reality of popular and grassroots football. So this is a challenge: give up or resist. Many surrendered, others, however, resist. As the URL: ultimi Rimasti Lebowski. "
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