Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sample Selling A Car Agreement

Heresies Philosophical - Philosophical Heresies - Preaching Written - Armando Alducin - Part 4 of 4

see us in fifth place Christ more asceticism, asceticism Christ more. The ascetics and asceticism, are people who want to withdraw from the world to find God, go to the mountains of Tibet, the lamas of Tibet, the monasteries, etc., Etc., Was detained in a place away from civilization and they believe to withdraw from the world will find God will purify his soul and go to mortify his flesh What does the Bible say anything? Christ in John 17 verse 14 to 15 said this: "Father, I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are the world, as I am not the world. Please do not take them out of the world, but keep it evil ". You see when you're a Christian does not need to go to a convent, but God wants us to be the salt of the earth, that helps me place me in the mountains of Tibet and get me to a convent to live a life no more for me when hundreds of people who do not know the message of salvation Who is going to share? If not us who have known the grace of God in his Gospel.

then God does not want you retire and you leave the sputter, and put you face or Tibetan lama, he does not want that! He wants half the world in there in the middle of the police where you work, in the midst of the government, through the Chamber of Deputies where you work, in the middle of politics where you're in the middle of your office, within your architecture, in the midst of your engineering, where we are, He wants us to be witnesses, so that in the House of Representatives, that in your office, so that in the hospital, to anywhere known that he is the Lord and not live by bread alone man. We are the light of the world, a light does not hide under a table but is set up as a spotlight to shine more radiation, much larger. Asceticism is to mix the solitude with Christ and can not.

We see the difference in last place because of the Bible with all religions and all sects. What is the difference between the Christian and Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, the gurus, the Hare Krishnas, the ascetics, the Dianetics, mental control, etc. etc.? What is the difference? The difference this morning we have exposed, all religions and all sects are formed by the Bible more than a philosophical system of thought. We have more Mormons Book of Mormon, Jehovah's Witnesses watchtower over the book, the Roman church over the tradition, the Protestant church tradition, the Seventh-day writings of Helen of White and any sect you see is the bible more that says the founder of that religion. The Christian Bible is the only rule of conduct.

Unlike all religions in which all also teach that salvation is by works, sacrifices, by the liturgy, for the ceremonies, the Bible says in Ephesians 2, 8 and 9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast" . The Bible says that salvation God gives us, and when I receive the gift of salvation in the person of His Son Jesus Christ from then on I have to do good works, but I do not do good works to earn or buy the heaven, good works are the result of salvation not the means of salvation, because salvation is a free gift of God through repentance of sins and faith in the blood of the Son of God.

How many of you are not part of a philosophical system heretical in light of the Bible? Many systems of thought before I myself embrace the truth in Christ Why? I lived in darkness and studied psychology and philosophy, and Mormons, and books of Mahatma Gandhi, and the books of (...) the silver cord, the doctor in Tibet, and I loved the whole bit of mysticism, I loved to go with the gurus and feel the experience, and fast and not eat meat, and feel, and I wanted to feel more purified to find God, because they knew the Bible. But when the light of the gospel shone in my heart and God revealed the knowledge of Christ in our minds, then I knew I had arrived at the end of all systems of human thought, had come with him who said: "I AM THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE" .

When you are in this Christ, you have found all the reason for your existence, you've found the reason you live, you will begin to discover why the universe did, you will begin to understand why the good and evil coexist temporarily , you will begin to understand why there are diseases, because there because there are hurricanes and earthquakes, and after you know everything, you're going to fall on your knees and you will say: "Lord, you made me and adore you forever and ever '.

Man is a being in rebellion against God and until the human being knee kneel before God and be humble enough to admit that in itself will not find God more than the person of Christ, until then your life will be full of confusion, darkness , bitterness and emptiness of spirit. But this morning you have no reason to leave as well, because Christ offers hands crucified, pierced by nails, her head crowned with thorns, his blood shed on the cross he did all that he did because he was the only way of forgiveness of sins, the blood of Christ there is forgiveness of sins and no matter what religion you're stuck in this morning, no matter if you are homosexual or lesbian, or drug dealer or drunk, party animal and played in the blood of Christ there is forgiveness, do not leave you in the morning without having Christ in your heart.

I ask all of you for a moment to bow our heads, for the first time in your life have you heard a different message and content of this message is the power of God for salvation, because my words Christ said, are spirit and life are gracious words are words of God, there is nothing crooked or perverse in them, are words that can be in this morning to create a new life into your soul, and you've known this morning that the Bible says you are a sinner, you are a sinner before God and the wages of sin is death, if you die in your sins if you've held ceremonies and liturgies, but belong to a church or a religion none of those things but you can save real conversion, new birth, a new spiritual life.

What should I do? I wonder what this morning I begin to truly live the Christian life and follow Christ. The first thing you have to do is repent of your sins, repent in this morning, repent of the kind of life they have led, you can not keep playing with God, someday you'll have to give account to God, believe or not believe Christ said: "Behold comes the time when all the dead will hear the voice of the Son of man, and all those who hear will live forever, plus what not heard raised to eternal damnation and perdition of the soul ". Repent this morning and tell the Lord "forgive me for my life, having lived in rebellion, for being so stupid, so dumb, for being so vain, lead a life so empty and so useless in front of you, I now believe in your son Jesus Christ as El Salvador in the world, the only one who can help me psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically, I give you my life Lord this morning, I put it in front of you so that you take it and do with it what you want, because I open my heart and I receive you into my heart as my Lord and my Savior, all I ask and thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Mile thanks to my sister for the transcript of this conference

Part - Part - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher man but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of Christians in Berea (Acts 17:11).

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