Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Difference Between Cydia Icy Rock

in the language of the bubbles. Poems from the mountains Kogui. Arrieta Gustavo López. Exile Editions in August 2010.

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http://ntcblog.blogspot.com/ , ntcgra@gmail.com Cali, Colombia.

in the language of the bubbles
Poems from the mountains Kogui
Gustavo Arrieta López
Exile Editions. Print, August 2010

virtual edition NTC ... January 11, 2011. 78 pages
Format Google Docs, pdf , Format Issuu, pdf , Scribd Format, pdf


Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/guarlop/291639943/ ( http://www.flickr. com/photos/guarlop/page6 / )



Language In Bubble is the result of the amount of my time as a teacher for a little over five years, Nubizhaxa, Kogui Indian Reservation on the northern slope of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, but more than the sum, also the experience and vision of the multiple own feelings and emotions shared with our Elder Brothers, the Kogui. Reflection

then every word all the roads that were traveled always in search of an image or a response to questions I never did or just the sweet exchange "Jayo" cordial greetings to the Indians who came and went. Through anthropological readings are generated the first concerns of writing about the descendants of the Tayrona and the idea to generate text that arbitrarily call "poetic short ethnographies" ... a metaphorical way of describing what is perceived and felt at once.

substantial There are five divisions in the book: the text of what Tradition title, referenced part of a shared literature and rigor. Daly Life arises from mental pictures with which I wanted to establish a tribute to the everyday that did not become routine, as that island land surrounded by mountains on all sides, often became indecipherable. Other texts are Biographies , echoes of conversations "Babel" in the nights of "kankurua" mambo dialogues coca or walkers, trifles in appearance. The texts I call Reflection are part of a timid little voice that tries to show realities also apparent. The intimate , interior monologues emanating from ghosts of silence, with the river and its landscape, with sky and landscape, memory and landscape.

This text is in the book and: http://aldeseonolefaltanada.blogspot.com/2010/09/en-el-lenguaje-de-las-burbujas.html


* Gustavo Hermogenes Lopez Arrieta. Source: http://laseleccionesafectivascolombia.blogspot.com/2009/01/gustavo-arrieta.html

was born in Santa Marta in 1971. I have a degree Modern Languages \u200b\u200bat the University of Magdalena (1996) and a specialist in the Teaching of Language and Literature at the University of Pamplona (2008). belong to the Association of Writers of the Magdalena and direct the literary workshop TA.LI.UM Univ of Magdalena, RENATA currently attached to the network signal. literarios.He workshops using traditional published the poetry collection "IMAGO" in 1999 distributed among friends ... I have also been published in various newspapers and cultural magazines and two anthologies of poetry in the Magdalena and Santa Marta.Obtuve district first in the ninth poetry recitation contest Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla in 1994 ... second prize in declamation and the first prize in musical poem during the sixteenth meeting of poets and orators and XII Chinú musical poem contest - Cordoba in December of 2,008. You can read more of my work in www.aldeseonolefaltanada.blogspot.com and activities in TA.LI.UM www.uniliteralmente.blogspot.com

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NTC VIRTUAL EDITION ... . Full text of the book in three formats.

*** Google Docs, pdf: en_el_lenguaje_de_las_burbujas. Gustavo Arrieta Lopez.pdf , https: / / docs.google.com / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0B-ABjQmYGMXbMDI3YWYzOWItOTdiYS00Yjk0LWFmZTMtYWIyN2Y4NTlkODEy & hl = en

*** Issuu pdf format: http://issuu.com/ntcgra/docs/leguaje.burbujas.arrieta.lopez

*** pdf format Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 46698556/En-El-Lenguaje-de-Las-Burbujas-Gustavo-Arrieta-Lopez



*** The poet in affective selections, Colombia: http://laseleccionesafectivascolombia.blogspot.com/2009/01/gustavo-arrieta.html

poet's Blog *** http://www. aldeseonolefaltanada.blogspot.com / and activities in http://www.uniliteralmente.blogspot.com/ TA.LI.UM

*** WRITERS ... Album of the poet in his Facebook page: Gustavo H. Arrieta López

*** The poet Meira Delmar: http://picasaweb.google.com/ntcgra/MeiraDelmarSuCasaCausaYHomenajeDeNTC # 5561287056607793874


albums of the poet: album 2 (from the ground Kogui) and 1


updated: NTC ... / degrees. January 11, 2011. 11:30 PM.


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