Since 2003, the Croatian political parties, egged on by the mass media began to glimpse the possibility of writing a sort of law which will regulate and repress movements for football fans in this country. This law finally see the light in 2006, was renovated in 2008 and this past week has again been remodeled, in order to push a little bit nuts to football fans.
Noteworthy in this last reform an amateur who is classified as recurrent (ie in breach of rules, having violated one above) can spend some time in the "hotel", that fans who have been sanctioned are prohibited from leaving the country on their respective teams to play in international tournaments, and as when the Croatian national team play matches outside the country, banning all the pyrotechnics, the ban on the sale of alcohol in sports grounds, as well as the obligatory Commissioner submitted two hours before each game and stay inside six hours for the fans who have banned access to the stadiums.
SOURCE: Stadionwelt
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