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Christ and Christmas - Christ and Christmas - Preaching written - Armando Alducin - Part 3 of 4

Four gifts that God has for you this Christmas

Third, the most important gift God gives us this morning in the person of Christ is a Savior. Says Luke 1 verse 30 to 35; "The angel told Mary not fear, for you have found favor with God, now conceive in your womb and bear a son and call his name" how? What do you know the name Jesus? The word Jesus means Savior, comes from the Hebrew Yeshua, which means God saves. So this child was born you have in your birth with your Christmas tree this Christmas, the child who was born 2000 years ago in a manger, his parents did not choose the name, but the angel Gabriel who came from the third heaven to this planet, brought the request of his father put him on orders from God, not by any human being, God gives us the option of running his kingdom, he is the one who guides them through Christ.

And the angel said to Mary "this child is going to put his name Yeshua, which means the Savior" , the Savior did that? "That thing you have to save God? Why humanity has invented that we have the monkey for example? Why universities and high schools teach students that we are the fortuitous result of a natural selection of evolution? because the minds of men like Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, as Karl Marx who have applied ideas contrary to the Bible to attack God's work.

But the Bible shows that it is the greatest gift, because this salvation, the salvation of our sins can not be obtained according to the Bible even if you go to the village 50 times on his knees, not even if you can get baptized in child can not get confirmed and even if you do the First Communion, not even if you can get friend, godson and cousin of the archbishop, but can not get the picture of the Pope have in your house, and even go to the Vatican. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 "without shedding of blood is no remission of sins" , the Bible says that salvation of our soul is not in any organization, not in any church, not in any holy, not in any virgin, salvation is found in the person of Jesus.

In Acts 4, verse 12 the Bible says; "Because there is no other name by which we must be saved, but that in the name of Jesus" in First Timothy 2 verse 5, the Bible says; "There is no other mediator" , no mediators, no mediators, no, the Bible says Jesus Christ is the only one this morning can save you from your sins. I remember in my own life, so for breakfast we have testimonies of people who have been changed by the power of God, I was created in a Lasallian school, from primary, secondary, middle school and college, does not end, I did very religious schools, my parents were very religious, but at 18 abandoned religion and became an enemy of religion, I became an atheist, accept communism, Marxist philosophy, dialectical materialistic, as an option to address the hypocrisy and the lies that religion, I thought I had taught.

One day after I got to be very deeply in Marxist philosophy and convinced that communism was the answer, it's my younger brother Alex and I said, 'I want to talk to Jesus, "and I said immediately,' I I do not know anything about God or any religion I know, "because in my mind anything I said about God identified with the religion in which I was educated, and was tired of the hypocrisy of my religion, then my brother answered me and said, 'I come not to speak of any religion, do not come to talk about Catholics or Protestants or Baptists, or Presbyterians, or Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses, I come to speak of a man who died 2000 years ago in a cross, shed his blood for their sins, and a book, which is not religious book, if you have more science in the Bible, is more scientific than any science book that you know, the bible is the oldest records of anthropology, archeology, geography, history and any other science you want.

And when my brother told me that impacted me and motivated me to start for the first time in my life to read the Bible, and I started, I remember very well, reading the Gospel of John chapter 14 where Jesus tells his disciples "not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God believe also in me" , verse 4; "and you know where to go, and know the way" , Tomas said "Lord do not know where you go, and as we know the way, and Jesus replied" , when I read this, I fell on my knees and accept him as my savior, and I will explain why Jesus said to them "I AM THE WAY" the only way by which a human can walk in this life, "I AM" , numbers two "I AM THE TRUTH" , Jesus is the only truth intangible, absolute and unchanging in the universe, He is the only truth, and number three, "I AM THE ETERNAL LIFE" if you do not have Christ you are in the wrong direction, if you do not have Christ living a lie, and if you do not have Christ do not have eternal life, when you die resurrected to introduce the trial and sent to eternal hell.

Then Jesus Christ was presented in front of me 23 years ago, when I turned in front of my two choices I had nothing else, and this is my message to the university, the professional, intellectual and any other person, Jesus Christ is, or has been psychotic, crazy, insane, psychotic, greatest that humanity has known, or Jesus Christ is what He claimed to be. But do not give me was a great moral teacher, because he does not leave us that option, do not give me that was another of those great enlightened, because Buddha never said that he was the truth, Moses never said he was truth, Crishtna never said he was the truth, the Dalai Lama, though he said the pope three years ago that he was God, not dead and risen, nor has it the miracles Jesus did. Then Jesus Christ, or else a madman, or was it really God, or reject it for your life, or fall this morning before him, on his knees and say, as St. Thomas; "My Lord and my God."

God offers us in the person of Jesus Christ for the salvation of our sins because the Bible says you and I were born in sin. Born with a curse you and me, and all living brothers, princes, the poor, the rich because we all sin, Romans 3:23, and all were short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the grace of God and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus" , you have sinned, I have sinned, mankind is known sinner and so at Christmas to send money to the Vatican Mafia, or send money to the priest, or you send money to good children, right now on the Telethon this in Mexico, everyone who feels guilty in some way, give money to wash their conscience, and feel less guilty, but you can give your house to the Telethon, and you can give to the convent of the nuns what you want, but if your Jesus Christ you have no works can not save us, Ephesians 2, 8 and 9 "For by grace we are saved through faith, not by works so that no one should boast" .
God, God chose in His sovereignty, which is death and blood of Christ to give us the pass, a visa to enter the eternal kingdom. Once a lady told me, 'Lord hear well, but is that all roads lead to God and any religion good knowing she is carrying, "I answered and said," Madam, what religion are you? "he replied," Catholic "and I turned to say," if you're Catholic, you should know that Catholicism has a foundation and a base, the bible the word of God and the Bible says that without blood is no remission of sins, and the Bible says there are ways that seem right, and its end is death "," as dare you say that all religions lead to God, when Christ said: Any other path leads to hell, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE "

is not Christ came to save us, then as everyone behave yourselves as you can. If religion lead to God, God would have told us' Look dear, behave yourselves, be good to mama, do not say rude mijito, look, steals but not much, have an occasional divorce, adultery from time to time, and see the end, if you give me $ 10,000 is up in heaven. " Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that only the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin, and if you are not under the precious blood of the savior, if you do not believe that sacrifice, in that Christmas tree you have now, to remember the moment he was born, if you can not put your faith in Jesus Christ, do what you're on a path that leads to death.

The prophet Isaiah 750 years before Christ was born, wrote in chapter 53 verse 3 "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and how to hide their faces he was despised and we esteemed him not certainly " hear what he says" He took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, and we esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, but He, He was for our transgressions, crushed for (...) the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by his wounds we are healed ".

When I meet a Jewish rabbi, or anyone who professes Judaism he does not believe in Christ as the Messiah, Isaiah 53 taught them and ask them What else in the history of mankind has fulfilled to the letter of Isaiah?, if Christ did not fulfill these prophecies, then who fulfilled them? Where is the Messiah because they are waiting?, To meet and say, someone died on a cross, suffered, was bruised, broke his head, broke his nose, broke her eyebrows, they put nails in his hands, he tore the back, stuck his feet and lifted him up between heaven and earth to be displayed, and there on the cross this man died between heaven and earth in between two criminals, and us said that he loved us, because God loves you so, so great is the love of God for you and me, he gave us, gave us, free his son Jesus Christ, that any of you believe in Him in We currently do not perish but have eternal life.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Continued ...

Part - Part - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the responses found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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