Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Does Bootz Larissa Wear

crossed. Eugenia Sanchez Nieto. Hunt Edition books. September 2010. Virtual Edition NTC ... , January 2011

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.

. Domains
Eugenia Sanchez Nieto
printed edition "Hunting Books" . September 2010.

Collection No 12 "50 Colombians and Poets Anthology
NTC VIRTUAL EDITION ... . January 12, 2011
Format Google Docs, pdf , Issuu Format, pdf , Scribd Format, pdf

. face of the print edition. There details of the book.


Bogotá, Colombia. Philosophy degree from the National University (1980), Management Specialist and Regional Development Planning, Universidad de los Andes (1993).

National Poetry Award in 1984 Editors Ant. Second Place in National Poetry Competition organized by the XII International Festival of Youth and Papagayo Glass Foundation, 1985. Second Place in National Poetry Competition Luis Carlos López, 1989. Scholarship set up in the poetry, Colcultura, 1995. Competition Finalist Hispanic Writers in the World "Nicolas Guillen" (Electronic Book) Editorial Bellvigraf, Argentina, 2003.

has published books : Come What May We Turn Time, Ulrika Publishers, 1985, with the permission of the Heliotrope, Ulrika Publishers 1990, notebooks Doors Of The Invisible, Department of Publications of the center Colombo Americano, 1993 and published in the Visible Gestures Library Poetry Friday National University, April 2004; Domains Crusaders, Hunt Books, Ibague, Tolima, Sept.2010. (Source: )
back cover cross-domain
influences, although detectable, have been assimilated, the author has a personal voice. And I invite you to a unique journey through these poems, and detached from its author and is now left to chance of our multiple readings.

The proper use of language is evident, there is ease and timing and the terms are used properly, poetry and strong lyrical imagery that refers almost always blurry atmospheres where the event referred to is soon to disappear leaving the reader the feeling of mirages successive ghostly situations even in love, in those feverish and burning bodies, sleep products, from memory, of fever.
. Throughout the book
consolidates the idea that the author, despite some poets obsessions share them, use a language all his own, which is left feel the influence of many aspects of poetry, many poets and other Lautreamont cursed. You can also discuss the major influences of modern opera, as well as from the German Romantics.
The author achieves his place in the contemporary poetry of our country, even in Latin American poetry in his books that stands out, by force of his voice, so unique anfractuous style but consistent with that consistency is lucid madness, the wonderful madness of a poet.
. Rafael Patiño Góez

(Colombian writer and translator)
NTC VIRTUAL EDITION ... . Full text of the book in three formats.
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*** pdf format Scribd:

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Sitting: Orietta Lozano, Mery Yolanda Sánchez; standing, Anabel Torres, Luz Eugenia Sierra (Editor), Eugenia Sánchez Nieto . Bogotá, Nov. 2009 (Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

*** Game Books: / index.php

*** The collection "50 Colombian poets and an anthology"

*** Another book this collection: memory timing. Personal Anthology. Maruja Vieira. Hunting books August 2010. Book launch and TRIBUTE. ,

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updated: NTC ... / degrees. January 12, 2011.

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