Monday, January 31, 2011

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; In 1996, the start of the first term of PP was called Soccer War, a struggle between the television image of the contracts of the clubs and the broadcasting of football matches of the English League. The fighters in this battle were two tycoons communication at that time: Jesus Polanco (Canal + / Grupo Prisa) and Antonio Asensio (Antena 3 TV / Grupo Zeta). The dispute went to court and politics.
The clash started when Antonio Asensio decide to enter the football market by Antena 3 TV, and begins to reach agreements with the clubs to broadcast the games, which causes price inflation raging in the market. Antena 3 was a surprise attack in the second week of April 1996 to announce the broadcast rights of a dozen clubs in the first and second division since 1998. Decided to rush to court for unfair competition Antena 3 in connection with the broadcasting party. According to the company in Polanco, Antena 3 did not have financial guarantees to pay what was promised to the club and also mocked the allowances for regional channels. Prisa maintained the thesis that it was an alliance between Asensio, Pujol and Aznar to weaken the Grupo Prisa and Zeta for Antena 3 TV. In return, the Catalan government and Madrid would be taking advantage of the financial weakness of the group of Antonio Asensio to guarantee the support of the media.
Antena 3 TV
reacted with a public statement, drafted in very harsh terms: "The group Prisa prostitutes democratic institutions and does not support the introduction of competition because they believe in it." For its part, responded Prisa high-caliber ammunition from the pages of El Pais reported that former police commissioner Joaquin Sunday Martorell was responsible for negotiating the football for Antena 3. The newspaper offered a full professional biography of Martorell, which recorded that, acting as coordinator and supervisor, was one of the policemen who interrogated the ETA José Arregui, died after several days of torture. A group of managers Antena 3 Group and Zeta, with Manuel Campo Vidal to the head, signed a letter to the editor of the "Country", which accused the newspaper of "throwing in the hands of ETA," the former commissioner signed by Antonio Asensio for contracting sports. The news of Antena 3 TV devoted considerable space to the controversy, using terms such as "wickedness" and denouncing a "dirty war and despicable" for the purchase of football rights.
But the prominence of Polanco and Asensio not limited to the battle of soccer, the interests of both business around the pay-TV took a clean sweep today in the nineties.
Extract from the book "Traffickers information "written by Pascual Serrano and edited by" Seal ". Pages 104 to 106

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First United Soccer War in memory of Spagnolo

in typhus Divided but united in the ideals and respect for a person who despite the distance 16 years continues to be remembered with the same emotion.
Shortly before the match between Genoa and Parma, Parma Boys flocked to the monument plaza reminiscent of Ferraris Vincenzo Spagnolo. The followers visitors, accompanied by ultras of Gradinata Nord, have placed a bouquet of flowers under the monument and a scarf with team colors Spagnolo Cosimo, the father of "Spagna", which was remembered yesterday at 16 º anniversary of his death. Also present was a delegation of the Cremonese ultras who presented a banner in memory of the late and well received by local fans, in a climate of mutual respect and excitement, greeted by applause from those present and groups that soon after, entered the stadium in their respective sectors.
SOURCE: Citta di Genova

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Christ and Christmas - Christ and Christmas - Preaching written - Armando Alducin - Part 3 of 4

Four gifts that God has for you this Christmas

Third, the most important gift God gives us this morning in the person of Christ is a Savior. Says Luke 1 verse 30 to 35; "The angel told Mary not fear, for you have found favor with God, now conceive in your womb and bear a son and call his name" how? What do you know the name Jesus? The word Jesus means Savior, comes from the Hebrew Yeshua, which means God saves. So this child was born you have in your birth with your Christmas tree this Christmas, the child who was born 2000 years ago in a manger, his parents did not choose the name, but the angel Gabriel who came from the third heaven to this planet, brought the request of his father put him on orders from God, not by any human being, God gives us the option of running his kingdom, he is the one who guides them through Christ.

And the angel said to Mary "this child is going to put his name Yeshua, which means the Savior" , the Savior did that? "That thing you have to save God? Why humanity has invented that we have the monkey for example? Why universities and high schools teach students that we are the fortuitous result of a natural selection of evolution? because the minds of men like Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, as Karl Marx who have applied ideas contrary to the Bible to attack God's work.

But the Bible shows that it is the greatest gift, because this salvation, the salvation of our sins can not be obtained according to the Bible even if you go to the village 50 times on his knees, not even if you can get baptized in child can not get confirmed and even if you do the First Communion, not even if you can get friend, godson and cousin of the archbishop, but can not get the picture of the Pope have in your house, and even go to the Vatican. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 "without shedding of blood is no remission of sins" , the Bible says that salvation of our soul is not in any organization, not in any church, not in any holy, not in any virgin, salvation is found in the person of Jesus.

In Acts 4, verse 12 the Bible says; "Because there is no other name by which we must be saved, but that in the name of Jesus" in First Timothy 2 verse 5, the Bible says; "There is no other mediator" , no mediators, no mediators, no, the Bible says Jesus Christ is the only one this morning can save you from your sins. I remember in my own life, so for breakfast we have testimonies of people who have been changed by the power of God, I was created in a Lasallian school, from primary, secondary, middle school and college, does not end, I did very religious schools, my parents were very religious, but at 18 abandoned religion and became an enemy of religion, I became an atheist, accept communism, Marxist philosophy, dialectical materialistic, as an option to address the hypocrisy and the lies that religion, I thought I had taught.

One day after I got to be very deeply in Marxist philosophy and convinced that communism was the answer, it's my younger brother Alex and I said, 'I want to talk to Jesus, "and I said immediately,' I I do not know anything about God or any religion I know, "because in my mind anything I said about God identified with the religion in which I was educated, and was tired of the hypocrisy of my religion, then my brother answered me and said, 'I come not to speak of any religion, do not come to talk about Catholics or Protestants or Baptists, or Presbyterians, or Mormons, or Jehovah's Witnesses, I come to speak of a man who died 2000 years ago in a cross, shed his blood for their sins, and a book, which is not religious book, if you have more science in the Bible, is more scientific than any science book that you know, the bible is the oldest records of anthropology, archeology, geography, history and any other science you want.

And when my brother told me that impacted me and motivated me to start for the first time in my life to read the Bible, and I started, I remember very well, reading the Gospel of John chapter 14 where Jesus tells his disciples "not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God believe also in me" , verse 4; "and you know where to go, and know the way" , Tomas said "Lord do not know where you go, and as we know the way, and Jesus replied" , when I read this, I fell on my knees and accept him as my savior, and I will explain why Jesus said to them "I AM THE WAY" the only way by which a human can walk in this life, "I AM" , numbers two "I AM THE TRUTH" , Jesus is the only truth intangible, absolute and unchanging in the universe, He is the only truth, and number three, "I AM THE ETERNAL LIFE" if you do not have Christ you are in the wrong direction, if you do not have Christ living a lie, and if you do not have Christ do not have eternal life, when you die resurrected to introduce the trial and sent to eternal hell.

Then Jesus Christ was presented in front of me 23 years ago, when I turned in front of my two choices I had nothing else, and this is my message to the university, the professional, intellectual and any other person, Jesus Christ is, or has been psychotic, crazy, insane, psychotic, greatest that humanity has known, or Jesus Christ is what He claimed to be. But do not give me was a great moral teacher, because he does not leave us that option, do not give me that was another of those great enlightened, because Buddha never said that he was the truth, Moses never said he was truth, Crishtna never said he was the truth, the Dalai Lama, though he said the pope three years ago that he was God, not dead and risen, nor has it the miracles Jesus did. Then Jesus Christ, or else a madman, or was it really God, or reject it for your life, or fall this morning before him, on his knees and say, as St. Thomas; "My Lord and my God."

God offers us in the person of Jesus Christ for the salvation of our sins because the Bible says you and I were born in sin. Born with a curse you and me, and all living brothers, princes, the poor, the rich because we all sin, Romans 3:23, and all were short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the grace of God and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus" , you have sinned, I have sinned, mankind is known sinner and so at Christmas to send money to the Vatican Mafia, or send money to the priest, or you send money to good children, right now on the Telethon this in Mexico, everyone who feels guilty in some way, give money to wash their conscience, and feel less guilty, but you can give your house to the Telethon, and you can give to the convent of the nuns what you want, but if your Jesus Christ you have no works can not save us, Ephesians 2, 8 and 9 "For by grace we are saved through faith, not by works so that no one should boast" .
God, God chose in His sovereignty, which is death and blood of Christ to give us the pass, a visa to enter the eternal kingdom. Once a lady told me, 'Lord hear well, but is that all roads lead to God and any religion good knowing she is carrying, "I answered and said," Madam, what religion are you? "he replied," Catholic "and I turned to say," if you're Catholic, you should know that Catholicism has a foundation and a base, the bible the word of God and the Bible says that without blood is no remission of sins, and the Bible says there are ways that seem right, and its end is death "," as dare you say that all religions lead to God, when Christ said: Any other path leads to hell, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE "

is not Christ came to save us, then as everyone behave yourselves as you can. If religion lead to God, God would have told us' Look dear, behave yourselves, be good to mama, do not say rude mijito, look, steals but not much, have an occasional divorce, adultery from time to time, and see the end, if you give me $ 10,000 is up in heaven. " Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that only the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin, and if you are not under the precious blood of the savior, if you do not believe that sacrifice, in that Christmas tree you have now, to remember the moment he was born, if you can not put your faith in Jesus Christ, do what you're on a path that leads to death.

The prophet Isaiah 750 years before Christ was born, wrote in chapter 53 verse 3 "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and how to hide their faces he was despised and we esteemed him not certainly " hear what he says" He took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, and we esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, but He, He was for our transgressions, crushed for (...) the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by his wounds we are healed ".

When I meet a Jewish rabbi, or anyone who professes Judaism he does not believe in Christ as the Messiah, Isaiah 53 taught them and ask them What else in the history of mankind has fulfilled to the letter of Isaiah?, if Christ did not fulfill these prophecies, then who fulfilled them? Where is the Messiah because they are waiting?, To meet and say, someone died on a cross, suffered, was bruised, broke his head, broke his nose, broke her eyebrows, they put nails in his hands, he tore the back, stuck his feet and lifted him up between heaven and earth to be displayed, and there on the cross this man died between heaven and earth in between two criminals, and us said that he loved us, because God loves you so, so great is the love of God for you and me, he gave us, gave us, free his son Jesus Christ, that any of you believe in Him in We currently do not perish but have eternal life.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Continued ...

Part - Part - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the responses found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forex Neural Network Blog

mysticism Beware! (Mysticism Beware!) - Preaching Written - Pst. Sugel Michelen - Part 2 of 4

Now not only I need a mediator when I approach God in prayer, but I need an intermediary to God speak. In today God speaks through the written word. Now the interesting thing is that Christ continues to be the mediator of that word. What it says in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 and 2? "in the past God spoke to us in many ways, many ways spake unto the fathers by the prophets, but in these last days spoken unto us by his Son ' the Son, is the last which has revealed the final revelation the word of God.

Now brothers think that, if God communicates to man through a written revelation, the Bible is clear that our intellect plays a paramount role in our relationship with Him Because it is through reason, through the intellect, is by understanding that I can understand the Bible, the written revelation of God. Therefore the Lord in Matthew 22 when asked what is the greatest commandment in the law? He clearly said "the greatest commandment in the law is, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" . I can not leave the mind was in my relationship with the Lord.

Romans chapter 12 verse 1 "I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to the Lord which is your reasonable service" and the word Paul used here in Greek is the word logikon whence comes our word logical. We give God worship is rational, is a worship that should engage our intellect. Second Timothy chapter 2 verse 7, Paul tells his son in the faith, Timothy "considers what I say and the Lord give you understanding in everything" , now the interesting thing is that the word translated here "considers I say "literally means Timothy" give mind to what I say ". Is giving mind to what God says in His word that He will give me understanding, that means knowing God and knowing God's will is not for the lazy, there is an intellectual exercise, there is a mental exercise that each of us should do according to the ability that God gave each one.

We already saw how Paul in Colossians chapter 1 verses 9 to 10 praying for these Colossians, and what he wanted for them? they are filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that was what Paul prayed for them spiritual intelligence. My brothers is impossible for us to cultivate our relationship with God setting aside the Scriptures and putting aside our intellect. But that is exactly what is proposed mysticism, and it is against a danger similar to this that Paul warns us in this passage from the Letter to the Colossians. These false teachers claimed to have attained a mystical union with God, these Christians of Colossae unknown. Look again verse 18 "Let no man beguile you of your reward" that phrase can be translated also "disqualified nobody, nobody's ordered" refers to the negative decision of a referee who disqualified one competitors did not follow the rules properly.

It seems that these false teachers were discrediting the believers in Colosse because they did not experience the same kind of religious experience have they said 'you need more than just Christianity, "" you need something deeper, more spiritual " . Now the amazing thing about all this is that the position of these individuals, while judges were forming in the other, because they were disqualifying 'you are not religiously qualified ", while they themselves were putting in opposition than that of the brothers at Colossae, at the same time this was all dressed in humility, a profound humility. Paul says "no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels" later in verse 23, we will not see today, says "such things have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body , so some people some commentators suggest that many of these mystics, these individuals practiced long fasts, and a few hours of sleep, also preparing to see visions, and of course a person who is eating poorly and not sleeping well is what it is! .

now is not very clear in the passage alleged relationship had the humility of these men and the worship of angels, because Paul says "humility and worship of angels" . Now it is likely that his teaching was something like this; God is so sublime, God is so transcendent and I am so unworthy, I am so small that instead of coming directly to him, I'd rather get through angels. It sounds humble, right? imagine how, as a man like me will go directly to God, I'd rather do it through the angels. The problem is that the Bible forbids this practice.

My brothers, I return I repeat, the Bible clearly teaches that there is one mediator between God and men, and Jesus Christ, is not nobody else, not Mary, not saints, not angels, it is only our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. And we see in the same book of Revelation as the Apostle John in chapter 19 in verses 9 to 10, I was so surprised by the view that this angel was showing, that John in a very human impulse, fell down to worship the angel and the angel took him and said "looks do not, I am your fellow servant and of thy brethren the prophets, worship God, worship God" . However, that despite all these clear warnings and lessons of the Bible, the worship of angels did not disappear but it seems more alive than ever these days.

Judging by some of the titles that you can see in any of our libraries, just out of curiosity this week I went on Amazon and got angels, I left some interesting titles, such as talking to his angels, another guardian angels and guides Spiritual, contact the heavenly help, it looks like, I called 809, another daily guide his angels, 365 messages from the angels to alleviate heal and open your heart, another, heal with the angels, and so forth. I guess I'm not the only who taught here from tiny to pray to the guardian angel "guardian angel, dear, do not forsake me night or day" that seems very innocent, but what is behind it, is nothing to rob Christ his rightful place of prominence, and that has nothing! innocent.

In this same letter Paul says in Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 "in him were created all things, which are in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created through him and for him Christ is preeminent above all else. What these false teachers who based their religious practices? Well according to them in visions they had, according to Paul, in a mint proud and carnal. Verse 18 "no man beguile you of your reward (no one disqualify) humility and worship of angels, intruding into what is not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind" and although the Queen Valera introduced a "no" here, that in the original text says literally is: clinging to the things he has seen. Now it is likely that Paul is speaking ironically here, "clinging to the things they say they have seen" and in that sense they are meddling in things that really have not seen, as it says in the English version.

Now whether they have seen something or not, the point is that all this was merely the product of a proud and carnal mind, says Paul. These individuals wanted to belong to a group of individuals who received revelations from God, they were not ordinary Christians, who learned about God and about God through Bible reading, No! No, they were past, they had visions. But Paul tells us that this kind of mysticism is nothing but a disguised carnality. Guillermo says commentator Hendriksen, this man who claims to be very humble indeed is unbearably proud, your mind is inflated with a sense of their own importance to boast about things he says have been .

My brothers, that a person has the appearance of humility and claim to have had some kind of extraordinary experience, that does not qualify him to become a spiritual teacher of Christians. The true Christian teacher, what it does is teach the word of God to lead us to Christ, and that was exactly what the false teachers were doing. verse 19 "they are vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not turning a head that is Christ, through whom throughout the body nourished and joining by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase of God ". Ultimately this was the real problem of false teachers in Colossae, they did not rest only in Christ, for salvation and for spiritual growth.

Continued ...

Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clear that the answers are in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22 : 29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Tingling And Swelling In Fingers

Sankt Pauli, reclaim the game

The ultras have been collected from St. Pauli thousand firms recent weeks to stop the slow but progressive marketing is experiencing the club's red light district since he ascended to the Bundesliga last season.
The initiative has been backed by all organized groups of fans are there in the club in Hamburg. From skinets to Veterans through the Fanlanden, the Alte Schule, fanzine editors of "Der Ubersteiger."
Stefan Orth, president of the club since last May is in the spotlight for fans, solely for this reason, which again make the club-weiss braunn at the forefront of football fans are not resign themselves to being mere troupes of "entertainment."
The main complaint lies in the invasion that the publicity generated by the stadium anywhere is flush with the grass, in bars, in the hallways, access ... that even though pasta impact at the club , they also lose the hallmarks for which this equipment is respected around the world. The fans do not want big screen scoreboard, as the built in Millentorn to see spectacular TV ads before the game and the rest of it.
The ultras of the team have said that if not removed all the capitalist propaganda within reasonable time, start what they call "resistance open "and calling the other fans, to achieve dismissal of the new president and remove the propaganda from home.
the moment, in the last match against Freiburg performed an action, seconded by the rest of the stadium, as a first warning.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Do You Talk On Poptropica

new book on the Atalanta ultras

live an ultra How? What does it mean, in the third millennium, part of the thousands of extremist followers, a army kind of evolving but always true to himself, living and playing in a mode of being stable, but always within the limits of the fees established by the company?
mentality. Code. Violence-sometimes overstated, always practical and usually achieved, "the defense of tribal territory, the conquest and loss of honor, an aversion to the" system "and the forces of order, rituals and myths of a soldier matters treated live in close contact with the players who come together and confess to the author. The fans, the Ultras. In an effort
observant and curious journalist, Berizzi Paolo, Bergamo and sent from "La Repubblica", has closely followed the life of the curve of the DEA, by talking to the protagonists of this world. A story full of rhythm and emotions about life around the Nord. A book about fifteen years of Curva Nord, of fighting in one of the most discussed swollen Italy, on "the game in the stands." Although at first publication date is estimated for March 29 is still not a confirmed figure. The book, whose title is still a mystery, will in any way, this spring.
SOURCE: Bergamo News

Pokemon Nursing Scrubs

Old Style XXII (Ultras Granata)

very pretty picture of the Torino Ultras Granata in Split shift for the UEFA match between Hajduk 85/86 season and the team of the Statuto

Friday, January 21, 2011

Calf Sore Sore Can Barly Walk

Anthology of contemporary Latin American poetry. Piedad Bonnett selection. Standard. September 2010. The book.

-Portal Blog NTC complementary ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.
contemporary Latin American poetry anthology. Piedad Bonnett selection. Standard. September 2010.

. contemporary Latin American poetry anthology selection Norma Piedad Bonnett. September 15, 2010.

read anthologies of our time to go back to surprise us. To travel through the words and watch us from outside, as inhabitants of a strange world. The perspective could show us what we thought were not being, than was the space we inhabit daily, their streets and their voices, and powerful than our own language, used and abused to death.

Perhaps that is what we go through this anthology of contemporary American poetry, prepared by Piedad Bonnett for Standard editorial: move us back to what we already knew, as if we were witnessing a suit for the first time. We measured the pulse of a tradition with the youthful look of that view.

The tour, which includes two poems by each poet, begins with Oliver turning and César Vallejo. Go through the great poets of the twentieth century as Eduardo Lizalde and Blanca Varela, Eliseo Diego, for those who for some time now have become indispensable: Coral Bracho and Aurelio Arturo Di Giorgio Marosa or Juan Manuel Roca, and even recovers and rediscovers splendid voices such as the Bolivian Jaime Saenz or Cuban Raúl Hernández Novas. The show ends with some poets born in the sixties. There

pedantry here a sample of which fetched for academic autism. The anthology aims, as far as you can, to consider the most representative. Neither would the sake of "Americanness" or geographical equity. The book seems to show that the greatest grace of this poetry, between the exile and dispersion of aesthetics, diversity of reading, is his amazing crossroads. Indeed, in many cases it appears that these poets, rather than to represent the U.S., found an alternative script to try to overcome this atavistic hardness of our societies and countries.

But most important is that in a world accustomed to the logic of quotas and gender, meetings and small groups, but where absolutely necessary readings may be the least amount of poetry, the anthology of Piedad Bonnett again remind us of the importance of the criterion. That for vertigo or travel just a poem. I suspect even when the choice is privileged those poems that walk alone ", that their tracks of origin to become the property of the reader.

As in any sample could discuss the unavoidable absence of many poets, the very choice of this or that poem. But this is only natural. There is no unambiguous choice, especially in these times of permits publishers and cultural balkanization of the media. Nor would a book large enough to give a full account of Latin American poetry, it is without further discussion of the varied and rich traditions of the planet. Things to note in this sample is that it assumes all these challenges with freshness and intelligence.

I can already imagine the young readers, entering the premises of this book as compared to an attic of ghosts. Becoming readers and poets in awe of these strange voices in secret before them, and that surely will follow forever.

The anthology is side B ("Heads and tails"), a text Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda detailed and precise, with more prejudice than the anthology but can illustrate much the reader begins. Although both sides seem no match at all, in criteria such as whether the eyes, the counterpoint created a necessary book. The echoes from every continent once again reinvented its linguistic registers.

contemporary Latin American poetry anthology selection

Norma Piedad Bonnett, 2010 318 pages $ 21,400


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Catching Pikachu In Crystal

treads water. Orietta Lozano. Hunt Edition books. July 2010. Virtual Edition NTC ... , January 2011.

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.
Steps water
Orietta Lozano
printed edition "Hunting Books" . July 2010. No. 44
collection "50 Colombian poets and an anthology" .

NTC virtual edition ... , January 2011.
Format Google Docs, pdf , Format Issuu, pdf , Format Scribd, pdf
face of the print edition. There details of the book.
THE POET. Source:

Orietta Lozano was born in Cali. He served as Director of the Centennial Municipal Library in the city of Cali, where he currently resides. He has published five books of poetry, a novel, an essay and a poetry anthology of Valle del Cauca. He won the National Poetry Award Eduardo Cote Lamus in 1986 and won Best Erotic Verse convened by the House of Poetry Silva (Bogotá) in 1993. Has a second unpublished novel Berenice or edge of the well. His poems have appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers, national and international anthologies. In 1995 he was invited to France at the Biennale Internationale des Poets XIII. In the same year he was invited by the Fondation Royaumont, with the poet Juan Gelman, and Latin America, the Poetry Translation seminar foreign translation of his book Water Drunk.

Books Published:

"Secret Fire" (Poetry) Combat Since Ediciones, Bogotá, 1980.
Memory of "(Poetry) Combat Since Ediciones, Bogotá, 1987.
Anthology Amorosa "(Poetry) Editorial Present Tense, Bogotá 1995.
"The Solar Sphere" (Poetry) Ediciones de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, 2002.
"Luminar" (Novel) Ediciones Universidad del Valle, Cali, 1994.
"Pizarnik" (Test) Poetics Anthology, Editorial Present Tense, Bogotá, 1990.
"Poetry of Silence (Anthology of Poetry), accompanied by the poet Antonio Zibara, Centennial Library Collection, Department of Culture, (London, 1989).
"Today mirrors" (Poetry) Combat Since Ediciones, Bogotá, 1983.
"The Vampire Expected", has just finished his second novel and working on a new book of poetry.
has to be two unpublished books of poetry and an essay on Emily Dickinson.

Image source and the following:

This book offers an immersion in the universe prolific and sui generis Orietta Lozano. Will be rid of prejudices and biases to enter into the water and swim in them, it is inevitable to resist, by its author, the ravages of a country while the feeding, lacerating his vision of beings and things.

This is not poetry in pursuit of fame: Orietta Lozano's poems have found their last, just, and breathe on every page loose, comfortable in their maturity. Since an earlier book, The Vampire expected, the poem Pop warned us that 'the poem was about to leave the horizontal line becomes ... multitude of lines, and the poem down to the road quieter. " Mystery

sustained a poem in which the appellant is the fatalism that joy. Could it be otherwise? Not if the possession of beauty is combined with the clarity of thought, not at all unrealistic, does not seek to deceive or mislead. It is poetry that has done its job, but does not give the feeling of having been sealed, that does not deny its obsessions, as the girl, the world, mirrors, horror and death, and executioners - upright or stiff meat - and still hungry, looking for verses in the process of emerging.

The author is inhabited by the unusual strength that the literature, sometimes reluctantly, but always with courage. These are fateful times. It is in them exercising their voice and their perception and approach. It is in them that dares, alone, with her fine instincts and away from vanity, to delve into the ways and language with no more stones on hand that match their words.

And then there's the joy. The pure joy of poetry, reflected in the water where their leaves tremble as the full moon rages into a lake.

page in the portal Hunting Books:
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*** Google Doc format, pdf: treads water. Orietta Lozano .. pdf , https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0B-ABjQmYGMXbYjk4ODhmMDMtMzg4Ny00MDRjLWE3YTYtZDU0YjgxZDY4YjU0 & hl = en

*** Format Issuu, pdf: treads water. Orietta Lozano ,

Scribd *** Format, pdf: treads water. Orietta Lozano. ,



*** Orietta Lozano (1956) in the Poetry International Web (PIW), . In English. Brief biography, poems and links. ***

Orietta Lozano in a low voice, . Review and poems

ORIETTA LOZANO *** POEMS. Selection by Raúl Henao,
. ***

In Bogotá
(Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

Sitting: Orietta Lozano, Mery Yolanda Sánchez, standing Anabel Torres, Luz Eugenia Sierra (Editor), Eugenia Sánchez Nieto . Bogota, Nov. 2009 (Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)
LOZANO *** ORIETTA in CALI FESTIVAL OF ARTS, 2009. Poetry Nights III. Idea Festival XIV, Cali , There text on the submission of the Poet and links.
(Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)
POETS: Rafael Cadenas (Ve), Orietta Lozano , Omar Ortiz, Dario Jaramillo Agudelo and Fernando Cruz Kronfly . Presenter: Humberto poet Jarrin. Source photo, album: #

*** Orietta Lozano in filing NEW MOON, 20 YEARS. Eleven looks to Colombian poetry. in Tulua (June 28, 2007): #

*** 15 POETS OF Valle del Cauca. TRIBUTE. INSTITUTIONAL RECOGNITION AND THRILL , . Among them Orietta Lozano.


*** Game Books:
*** The collection "50 Colombian poets and an anthology"
*** Other books in the collection recorded in NTC ...:
-> memory timing. Personal Anthology. Maruja Vieira. Hunting book, August 2010. Book launch and TRIBUTE. ,
-> Domains crossed. Eugenia Sanchez Nieto. Hunt Edition books. September 2010. Virtual Edition NTC ... , January 2011 ,

How Long Should I Charge A 12v Moped Battery For

Everything for the Pack: Adhesive Tapes, Poly Pac, bubble, strapping, Stretch Film and many more. Cases

In addition to corrugated cardboard boxes, we have everything you need for packaging in general. Below is a description of our products. Stretch Film

  • Calibre 60, 1200 feet long and 18 inches high.
  • Calibre 80, 1300 feet long and 18 inches high.
  • Calibre 60, 1100 feet long and 5 inches high.
Corrugated Roll and Microcorrugated .

  • width 1m, 2m 1.60my. (In microcorrugated there is only 1m)

Bubble Sealed Air Chica and Grande
Polipac (under carpet or Poliofoam) Size 1 / 8

Adhesive Tapes, Cinnamon, Clear and Maskin Tape
  • Canela tape 150mx48 mm wide (various brands)
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  • Tape and Cinnamon 50mx48mm
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All Strapping
  • strap 1 / 2 inch in Cash and Aro
  • metal staples (Seal) for strip 1 / 2 "
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  • Cardboard Corner 2m high and 2in in vertices.
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  • Dispatcher (applicator) Cinnamon Ribbon.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Anthology of contemporary Latin American poetry. Piedad Bonnett selection. Standard. September 2010. Domains

. Portal-blog
complementary to NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.

contemporary Latin American poetry anthology
Selection Piedad Bonnett
Standard. September 15, 2010.

Poster Invitation (Turpentine), cover of the book ( 1 ) and Piedad Bonnett in Cali , Nov. 20, 2007 (Photo: Mary Elizabeth Homes NTC ...).

Source: EVENTS from January 15, 2011. NTC newsletter ... , .
Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry Selection Piedad Bonnett
(Cara y Cruz Collection of Editorial Norma).

Presentation. Created 100 years takes off with the name of Argentine Girondo Oliverio. Includes poems by César Vallejo, Vicente Huidobro, Jorge Luis Borges, Javier Villaurrutia, Aurelio Arturo, Enrique Molina, José Lezama Lima, Olga Orozco, Eliseo Diego, Alvaro Mutis, Circe Maia, Raul Hernandez Novas, Fina García Marruz, Ida Vitale, Eduardo Lizalde, Juan Gelman, Marosa di Giorgio, Pizarnik, José Manuel Arango, José Watanabe, Maria Mercedes Carranza, Dario Jaramillo, Marco Antonio Campos, Coral Bracho and Rómulo Bustos, among others. Accompanies the book's prologue the author and text Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda .

Piedad Bonnett make a conversation about American poetry, anthologies and his work on the current state of opera in Latin America.

Location: TURPENTINE ARTS & BOOKS ( , ). Av Cra 24 No. 37-44. Park Way - La Soledad. Info: David Trujillo Bustamante, Turpentine Audiovisual Communications, Arts & Books Mobile: + (57) 300 614 77 25. . Admission is free.


About the book and anthologist.

On the cover of the book reproduces the first stanza of the following poem by Vicente Huidobro.

Poetic Art

That verse is like a key
That opens a thousand doors.
A leaf falls, something flies;
The eyes look be created,
And the soul of the listener is shaking.

Invent new worlds and watch your word
The adjective, when it gives life, kills.

We are in the cycle of nerves.
The muscle hangs
As I recall, in museums,
But why not have less strength

True vigor Resides in the head.

Why do you sing the rose, oh Poetas!
make it bloom in the poem;

us live only for everything under the sun

The Poet is a small God.

In The Mirror of Water, 1916. Http://
Vicente Huidobro (Chile, 1893-1948)



Cara and cross

contemporary Latin American poetry anthology

Author (s) Piedad Bonnett

Release Date: 9/15/2010. Format: 13.7 x 21. No pages: 318 All

anthology aims to be both representative and stimulating. The chosen pieces intended to represent the best, or most important or most significant output of a continent, a country, a time or an author. And encourage the reader: the small sample so that haunts him to undertake a broader search of the works of those who passionately.
This anthology has been proposed both, but more to illustrate, I would like to seduce or report cover. Make the reader to poetry, the uneasy or student teacher who has had little contact with the genre, not just know a number of important and representative of American poets, but fall in love with poetry in general, and Latin American in particular.Con classic poems as Neruda, Borges, Vallejo, Arturo and Mutis, as well as new voices like William Ospina, Oscar Hahn, Coral Bracho, Yolanda Pantin, Ramón Cote and many more. All poems have been chosen considering a teenage audience that is confronted for the first time to poetry, with themes and styles that will be of interest. The brief section Cruz, Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda , exhibits, a clear and concise way, a panorama of Latin American poetry (poets, concentrating more on some than others) that goes from the front today.
This is a comprehensive anthology that not only teachers but also appreciate youth and poetry lovers.


MORE ABOUT THE BOOK: Anthology of contemporary Latin American poetry. Piedad Bonnett selection. Standard. September 2010. The book. ,


ON Piedad Bonnett.

*** Piedad Bonnett in "History of Poetry in Colombia ..." 3a. Edition. Casa Silva, December 2009. , . There information and various links, including one on his official website: . ***

"The Inheritance." Piedad Bonnett,

*** master of the genre. Keynotes ,


Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Power Light On My Philips Tv Is Red

A video of which is bundled in the Olympiakos-PAOK Volou this same weekend. I do not need more comments well yes, those of BRAND digital edition ...
The start of the match she faced PAOK Olympiakos Volos and Thessaloniki in the Greek SuperLiga was delayed by 30 minutes after a part of the stadium saw Panthessaliko is damaged when firefighters tried to disperse to many fans PAOK, who tried to enter the field without a ticket.
The 'ultras' Thessaloniki team also attacked the police with different devices and flares. Finally Hellenic security forces were able to control the situation and break up the crowd with tear gas base. The game was played and finished with 0-3 victory visitor.
"These are not football, the police were empowered to act as they did. Everyone has a responsibility to combat this problem, but at some point someone should find a solution to this problem," lamented Achilleas Beos club president who exercised at home.
These incidents are attached to the protagonists last December by the most radical of Panathinaikos fans, who chased the players on his team as they left the field and that all types of missiles launched following a defeat in their stadium .