Friday, December 3, 2010

Can You Shower Before Waxing

The destruction of the family (Homosexuality) - The destruction of the family (Homosexuality) - Preaching Alducin-written-Armando Part 3 of 4

The Bible clearly shows that child sexual abuse, pollutes the soul, they pollute the conscience, they are disconnected from God and disconnected from others, and poisoned their minds clouded his thoughts.

We have learned so far, that can not coexist two different views about marriage and about family. The family according to the Bible, is the medium through which God wants to propagate the moral principles which the father transmitted to the child and the child can understand that when he grows up, he can say "I want to be and treat my future wife, like my father treated my mother '. When children grow up without a father figure, according to the American Psychiatric Association, 85% of homosexuals are people whose house was a matriarchy, where there was a father image, where the roost was the mother, where Dad was a zero, which does not take into account absolutely the father where the father was never the leader, the priest was never home, never knew him to compass direction and children but was always the mother, and through it many times, for those mothers who take this role, when men have left the helm of the ship. But 85% of homosexuals in the world from matriarchal, and 55% of homes where they were violated when they were young.

The family, ladies and gentlemen, must be stored, protected, preserved and valued as the most sacred, more holy than can exist within any society. When we speak of the sanctity of marriage is not just any sentence, but is the very essence of life, the environment where values \u200b\u200bare formed, and future generations are aimed What happens when society begins to abandon God? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah when most people no longer wanted sodomite relationships with women? God had to judge, and God is now threatening, threat, whether it is a warning on the road, you when you're in traffic the light is yellow, and the police is threatening you and saying 'I'm going to do This' No, stop because you very quickly, and if you turn on the red autodestruirte. When God tells us "The soul who sins shall die" and "the wages of sin is death" we are not threatening, we are saying 'remember that you are not animal, you're a responsible moral agent, that someday you will die, and I'll give an accounting, believe or not believe it, laugh now, or do not laugh, chew gum or not chew gum "no matter the answer you have, the Bible says and these words are trustworthy and true.

The Bible shows us in the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament chapter 6 verses 6 through 9, which God told Israel "Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord" shama 'Jisr 'Adonai' adonai Elohiym 'let down, in the original Hebrew ' Love the Lord your God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy strength, and these words which I command you today shall be in thine heart, and diligently to your children and talk of them being in your home, walking along the road, at bedtime and When you wake up, shall bind them as a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be in your eyes and write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates " Why? because we are the ones that we relay to future generations the moral.

Where do you think we're going to come in the next 25 years? where young people are now getting used to it's normal, we can see in the street parades, and they These allow gay parades around naked, they are demanding that give them rights when they lose their rights to make a hole in the boat, they do not have the right to confront the moral of our children what our children need are seeing a parade around naked? is allowed in the capital base over 2000, 3000 people around naked for a work of art Where do we come? What is happening to us, we really happening? have to wake up, we have become aware, we have to muster the courage and raise again the banner of morality in Mexico and in the world, and let the world know that God is Jesus Christ, and coming to judge the living and the dead.

The Bible says that happens, what happens when a nation abandons God, what happens to the world when all nations are legalizing this, you are accepting this because it is something normal, according to new morality. 2750 years ago the prophet Isaiah chapter 24 verse 3 onwards, prophesy the end of the world where you listen to this, says Isaiah 24 3 and up "the earth shall be utterly emptied, completely looted, because the Lord has spoken this word, is destroyed, the earth fell, sick, fell the world, sick, the exalted of the earth, the earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgressed law, faked right, broken the everlasting covenant, for this reason the curse devoured the earth and its inhabitants were torn, are burned by the inhabitants of the earth, and humanity "
what happened? we have transcended the laws of God. Just as God put laws in the universe, the electromagnetic forces, nuclear forces, the force of gravity, where if you're near a cliff and you shove them, kill yourself, because there is a force called gravity, all heavier than air is drawn into the center of the earth, as God established the laws of the sun and moon so that the earth revolved just a movement on its axis, tilted 23 ° and a half on its axis around the sun in 365 days, and make life possible, and the poles, the slope of the land given to the cold poles, which it would be an eternal day in life, just as there are measures of 150 million miles between Earth and sun, which is the exact extent that there is also life and moral laws God has established.

And put us on a planet so we would know we are not animals, we are not gods, we are not here so that each person has his own truth, so that the truth falls on philosophical relativism, where no no absolutes, where is my truth and my truth, your truth is your truth, my life is my life, and your life is your life, let me live my life, do not be intolerant, nor do I discriminate, I'm going to be either intolerant with you, at this point humanity has come. And the world goes to the final trial, as in the book of Revelation is written, and people keep laughing at the movies, Christians, continue to ridicule on television of the Bible, still chasing those who are under to remain virgins, now a girl is a virgin is a religious, they say "the nun Chanaclatan" tell "Santa Rita de Casia, Sor Juana de Arco" Why? because now, virginity is a derision is no longer a virtue, and it is an object of derision not have sex before marriage, if a man has a lover, and is also mocked Why? because he is male and descendants of Zapata having affairs.

And this is precisely the point where we want to reach, realize that we are totally contaminated, and where we are bound to raise again the word of God.

The Bible teaches that homosexuals have their arguments, and I'll name a few in order that they, if there are here and we are listening, or through television, I say "God loves you" God loves homosexuals, God loves lesbians, but God will not tolerate your sins if you will die in homosexuality. God loves you because maybe you were a victim of child, perhaps you have a mental problem, a screw zafaron to you and tells you in the mirror "you are a woman 'and you look in the mirror and the mirror tells you' no, not you are a woman, you man, "and if not get off the Chol in the mirror and see if you are male or female. But if your mind tells you you're not, and in the mirror tells you otherwise, you have a problem in your mind, that attacked the American Psychiatric Association, to demand through intimidation, that removed from the list of homosexuality mental illness, and cataloged as a disease as normal behavior.

reads the Bible, gays say "born homosexual." This argument is handled as follows if it can establish listen to me carefully! that homosexuality is caused genetically rather than a lifestyle, acquired and voluntarily chosen, then it is logical that homosexuality can not be immoral. This is the reason why they are still looking for the gay gene, hoping to prove homosexuality. This argument leads to the conclusion that homosexuals are not responsible for their sinful behavior What does science say? we will make the Bible aside, this argument has not been be established, or scientific, or genetically, again, still looking for the gay gene, even when someone is born with certain predispositions, we all have the responsibility of the lifestyle we take, and actions when we enter adolescence we should take.

Try to understand the genetics, there is a big difference between those genes that make up our bodies, and those who influence our desires and dispositions, the genes, distinguished doctors, geneticists gentlemen, gentlemen, homosexuals, the genes do not cause the sinful desires we choose freely, we are human beings responsible for our behavior and way of life, even if it was genetically motivated. Surely that homosexuals are not going to mean that the genes were turned into robots, who can not help "I am unable to help because my genes are gay, and I can not I make a decision for my conduct" in the same way after a while the thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, kidnappers, I will blame their genes "I am not guilty of killing conchita" kills old ladies is not to blame either, because GM is a killer, then neither will be a trial in the Bible and the Bible right? is a laughingstock, is a total fraud, because the Bible states that has a view of the living and the dead, on what basis could God judge homosexuals, when Judgement Day will rise and say 'you made me so. "

And the Bible clearly says in First Corinthians chapter 6 that God made them so. Says First Corinthians, chapter 6 verses 9 and older who,

"They know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, not deceived (ie, make no mistake) neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God "

And the most wonderful the Bible says; "and this was some" Yes, the Church of Jesus Christ is full of pure EX, is full of pure exhomosexuales, exsecuestradores, exnarcotraficantes, exborrachos, exparranderos, former players. The church is no Atayde Circus trapeze artist in the church of Jesus Christ all in our past were great sinners, the apostle Paul was a man who murderer of Christians, King David committed adultery and was a murderer from the husband of the woman is put, and the Bible is considered a man after God's heart, because if your sins be as black carbon, the Bible says, as white wool come to be in the blood of the Lamb of God, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Continued ...

Part - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four

* Thanks my brother Dany by transcript of this sermon.




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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