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Paul Washer - Philosophical Heresies - Preaching Written - Armando Alducin - Part 1 of 4

Philosophy in its etymological root, literally means "love of wisdom", but the philosophy or interpretation that you have, or that he has, or that Buddha has, or that Mahatma Gandhi has, etc., etc., etc., has two origins. The wisdom or philosophy that has its origin in human beings, and philosophy, or wisdom that originates in the Bible. Then we all philosophical systems of thought of human beings, Jean Paul Sartre, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Demogenes, Cicero, whatever you want. And we on the other side and the system of thought that comes from the Bible.

When man does not know, when man ignores the thoughts and principles written in this book, the man then produces two fundamental heresies: The first heresy is openly reject the Bible without a philosophical basis for doing so, is interesting when I have discussions with atheists, to agnostics, to communists and one of the things I encourage is that when I get into the grounds of communism, atheism, agnosticism or in the main premises of these systems of thought, but they do not know biblical principles. Then we discussed with people who know only what they heard, and say 'the Bible is made by men "Where does this information? Buddha journal Where else?

The other heresy is the worst of all, and which I will speak this morning, not only is a tremendous mistake to reject something you do not know, nor have we thoroughly investigated, but the worst mistake is to mix Bible with human philosophies, make a salad of Bible and Christian things with wisdom and skepticism, and agnosticism of the human being. That is the most dangerous because all sects, and most religions are characterized by mixing the Bible over their philosophical principles whose origin is the human being.

And so we have for example that the Bible warns the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians, chapter 2 verse 8, and says: Look anyone deceive you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men according to the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ .

The other day there was a television debate where many people believed, fĂ­jesensen you, thought they could be Masons and Christians at the same time, they believed they could be witches and Christians, they believed they could be gurus and Christians, believed they could have or studying Dianetics and mental control, and Christians at the same time, in light of the Bible can not, because here we are mixing two systems completely contradict each other.

And first we have the first heresy: Christ + philosophy. You know that currently exists in the world with a total deformation of character and person of Jesus Christ, we have now are the books that best seller, the Trojan horse, written by a English named Jack Benitez makes blasphemy, totally distorts and perverts the character and person of Jesus Christ, I do not know how he smoked marijuana joint of this gentleman to take the principles that there is, but never in my life I have seen a larger deformation of the person of Christ in these three books are the best seller of mankind.

We also have another film that are in great debate in America now, and last but not least in the world of literature and the temptations of Jesus, the movie that was just written in the United States where they put Christ having sex sex with Mary Magdalene, where Christ has a confrontation with Judas, telling Judas "Jude had it not been for you, I would not have died" The Father, and made Judas as a victim and not as a responsible being whom God given freedom to do what he did, and still when God knew what Judas was going to be, Judas was responsible for having given to the Son of God.

And on all sides the powers of evil are trying to what?, To distort, twist, to turn what is really the person and life of Jesus Christ. We ask this morning Who can for sure? Or Where can we have correct information of the person and character of Christ without tampering? Without having the cream on the heels of being human. We'll let Christ himself answered in John 5:39: Search the Scriptures , said Jesus Christ, because in them you have eternal life, and she s, not the Trojan horse, not the temptations of Jesus, not what Gandhi said or what he said Krishna, Christ said "is the Bible that bears witness to me" . Any information they do not have the Bible as the source is a caricature, is a distortion of the character and person of the Son of God.

Also in Luke 22, verse 44, that Christ had risen told the disciples, "these are words that speak to them, while still with you, it was necessary to fulfill everything that is written about me, the law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. " Christ as the Bible tells us that we come to it, and us that when we come to the Bible with no other thought back, not coming prone to attack, to plunder, to make it as we want, but if we come as children to the Bible, the Bible says "we find the truth, and the truth will set us free ".

we also see that philosophy has sought to penetrate the origins of man, and then a Mr. Charles Darwin, about 100 years ago began to say that the origin of species, in his book The Origin of Species was the result of evolution and that came from a single cell, and was altered cells, etc. etc. and total completion of the evolution of animals has been in last place, the top, man, and you come here to the museum of anthropology and history, in front of national audience, and there are high school students, primary and teach them who come from a single cell, and you see the monkey, the gorilla, cheetah and chito, and then humans.

you know why the man has speculated, theorized, hypothesized? because man has to imagine something, and man has to give an explanation for what is not known, so who can say that we came from, which cell, or come from the Martian or Venusian are etc, etc. Who can say for sure, because to be science must be repetitive, so it takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in creation. When I find myself an evolutionist and I love to debate with evolutionists, I say "is that religious faith" and say "is that evolutionary faith" because it is more religious a Christian evolutionist, and there are more scientific evidence the creation of evolution, for this purpose I wrote the book, you can find out, Creation or Evolution, read with an open mind, and I'm not speaking biblically, I'm talking scientifically.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

* Thanks to my sister Mile by the transcript of this conference

Continued ...

Part - Part - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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