Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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How I can be sure of my salvation? - Grace to You

There are two important tests in Scripture that a person can take to determine whether or not a true believer.

First, there is an objective test which asks, "Do you really think?" Ask yourself if you claim the record in the Scriptures of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Do you think He is God manifest in the flesh? Do you believe that God saves sinners only through the merits of the obedient life of Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on the cross?

Second is the examination experimental subjective or warranty in which you ask, "Is my faith real?" The purpose of the apostle John to write the epistle of 1 John was to give the true believers assurance of salvation (1 John 5:13) . In this letter John gives several brands that make a true believer.

  • True believers walk in the light (1 John 1:6-7). The light here means the intellectual and moral truth. Ask yourself, "I affirm the truths of Scripture, and I obey?"

  • True believers confess their sins (1:8-2:1). Confess here does not mean to recite every bad thing we've done. If not, it means agreeing with God about our sin. That means that true believers hate their sin, not love. They recognize they are sinners, and know they are forgiven.

  • True believers keep His commandments (2:3-4, 5:2-3). This term refers to a vigilant and attentive obedience. Here a Christian desires to obey truths which he considers to be precious. Includes an active approach to obedience - the Christian studies Scripture in order to understand and obey.

  • True believers love to other believers (2:9-11, 3:10, 14-15; 5:2). Ask yourself this question, "Do I love God's people and desire to be with them?"

  • True believers say the sound doctrine (2:20-23, 4:2, 6). Here John teaches that no true believer will fall into any heresy or error which denies Christ.

  • The true believers are in pursuit of holiness (2:29, 3:3-4, 6-9). Verses certainly not talking about sinless perfection, or even the frequency or duration of sin. The term sin these verses describes one who lives an immoral life, impious, and unjust as a continuous practice, and hates God's justice.

  • True believers have the Holy Spirit (4:13, 5:10-11). This is a test that adds up all the others. Is there evidence that the fruit of the Spirit is present in your life (Galatians 5:22-23)?

In summary, the security of one's salvation does not necessarily have to be based on a decision made in the past or experience. Subtract first in one's faith in the objective truth of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and gospel. Second, subtract the reality of a changed life marked by obedience, a love for Christ and His righteousness, and a hatred of sin. Be confident if these things are true, and trust that God will continue working His salvation in your life.

© 2005-2010. Grace to You. All rights reserved.

From: Grace to You


Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of Christians in Berea (Acts 17:11).

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