Thursday, December 30, 2010

Phone Extension Kit Problems

Stone by stone. Hernán Vargascarreño. National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010. .... NTC digital edition ...

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.
Stone by stone Hernán Vargascarreño

National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010
print edition, November 2010. 62 pages. ISBN 978-958-99287-4-5
Exile Editions, Bogota, Santa Marta, Colombia.
NTC ... , December 30, 2010

cover. ISBN 978-958-99287-4-5


Poet Vargascarreño Hernán.
Photo: Sylvia Sanle

Back cover. (Click on images to enlarge. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here).
Stone by stone in 2010 received the
National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango ,
awarded by the Institute of Culture of El Carmen de Viboral
, hometown of the poet JM Arango .
The jury was made up of writers Armando Ibarra
Racines, Marcel
and Luis Valencia Valencia Germain Sierra Jaramillo.


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's poems in this edition may be disseminated by any means, provided it is non-profit and noting both the name of the author and book title.



"stone by stone" of HERNÁN VARGASCARREÑO. National Poetry Prize José Manuel Arango, 2010. ,


Hernán poetry Vargascarreño
hit a target that is the poem

By Harold Alvarado Tenorio , asdfghjkl.123456 @ .

Cartagena, January 28, 2011. Text presented and read the book launch in the city.

As is known, since the advent of the avant-garde of our time have used the syntax of cinema to create imaginary correlates tensions between reality and desire, past resolved with the help of meter and rhyme. But between us poetic exercises have been dominated from the nothingness and his followers, for a language and repetitive syntax dead models. Young people without education have benefited from these languages \u200b\u200band subjects. It seems like we make a return to one of the poem spots of experimental psychology of Hermann Rorschach, when the patient sees a China ink and only read what you want. Never mind the recovery or inventions of the individual but the public offering of glossolalia, unarticulated explorations combinatorial strings of metaphors and neologisms, no sound or music that did not reach anything, this "other side of life" sought by Huidobro. A language without maps, without regard to reality or the invention, expression of the wreck of life suffer.

Very little, indeed, what I know of life, say poetic, Hernan Vargascarreño, and even though I read somewhere that another of his previous books, is better here, where I delayed my attention for reasons I will explain later.

Vargascarreño believed to have been dazzled by the poetry already well advanced in years, after reading in some translations, perhaps José Manuel Arango, the lone Amherst, Mrs. Dickinson. Rather than having sought the muse, Vargascarreño was invaded by it, mudándole, as it happens from the beginning of the world, in one of their mediums, rather than the recipient. Chosen of the gods, they would say in the cultures of the ancient world. So, unlike many of today's poets, Vargascarreño lacks a composition system and does not practice poetry as works but as shivering. All those virtues and defects circulating Stone by stone.

A book that explores four rooms, times, and hallucinations suffered by the poet: the sea as a sign of life, trains and rails of fate, the word as an instrument of penetration in the world and carving chisel beauty and death, enigma of existence.

While Vargascarreño has frequented know if theses directly thinkers such as Confucius and Lao Zi's Taoist or Zhuang Zi, who represent two of the main trends of Chinese poetry, emphasizing one on the responsibilities of the individual with their families and coworkers [say the correct word in each case is to rectify the wrong way] [ming jiao] and others, highlighting the nature and spontaneity with which the world must act in accordance with the eternal laws of the cosmos [zi ran], classicism and romanticism, Apollo and Dionysus concur in Stone by stone with a display and tenacity to hit a target that is the poem.

The first section of Stone by stone, Marine Visions, is a double tribute to the port of Santa Marta, where he lived Vargascarreño several decades, and Hector Herazo Rojas, whom he quotes. But neither the one nor the other are portrayed and profiled in his poems. It is here on an inner journey to meet with the lighter events that happened along the shores of the sea and the harbor area with their young Cubans marching from suffocation and the revelry of the night. As if the voice that celebrates the past life was an old tax collector for the patrons of cotton and not the insatiable young dissolute who succumbs to the light and landscape sets. 10

FORGET Bay on the night dozing

the universe without a city,
without parishioners,
without us. Carved

the distance these repeated
of blue-green sea.
Abandonémosla under its own spectrum
blowing a point in the world and its waters

shaking with birds, foliage and delusions
under the harsh design of the gods. Some
cruelty has to hide so that
if we take the bay in our journey. And though far

-as a mirror of oblivion
now the sea in sight of my eyes, his anguish still roaring

deep into the abyss of my nights.

Section National Rail East is an exercise which appears to be a model or some poems by Alvaro Mutis or the memory of the switchman of Juan José Arreola. Here again Vargascarreño to engage China in a memorable practice: handle both the model to make it disappear into another being. The other, the same.

also know the train returning from mists, in religious silence, before dawn. Mild, invading with its long shadow on the season, and there are installed in absolute silence, as breathing relief from their memory of so many routes and humiliated. Just plain, with its grotesque fleeing aimlessly known, but before the day cleared of all human memory for not even daring to humiliate life.

For all may have intended a train at the right moment. Now comes one known to you. Look out the window and apréstate for passage. See his trail dark and not fear their deafening silence or his icy whiff. Looking at their counters your familiar faces, they will recognize, and toss your bleak and brief greeting. Tomorrow will be the passenger itinerary eternal longing for the slightest break in any season of oblivion.

Vargascarreño In the next chapter faces the dilemma of using signs or are the thing or act and abuse, fraud or damage must be rectified as Confucius did. What is not meant to be corrected or deleted. Brick by brick, word by word, is also a compliment to Rafael Cadenas, and no doubt José Saramago for whom "we live in paradise useless word and image that does not work, a world where the audience is revered in all the altars and the system has become accomplices to their own victims. " For the silent chains "we ignore that words are not attempts to represent reality itself. Forget the inaccessibility of the represented, especially when the object is not an object but an intangible, a feeling. " 10

can reap a word
as a good grudge.
is possible that the word clock is moving,
but his time is stationary.
There is something indescribable in the word puzzle, but once
solved the riddle
Everybody scream one word in unison, but each
calls his own. A mystery not revealed

lies in the word mystery.

When we discovered the desolation of man, animals
check what we are silent and sterile
of words.
Stone by stone, word for word

have risen the most shameful ignominy.
Stone by stone,
word for word,
also have known

And so to the end. Vargascarreño knows that nothing will be taken to Hades to the Elysian Fields or Tartarus, and is quite useless Charon hire for a trip like that. Better, it seems Zapatoca that the poet, who proposed the trip Lezama Lima in the dining room and toilet, covering mental life.

I return to the beginning of my journey.
Return at the end of every man dreamed
know myself.
I shed this mask
both size and I adjust the peaceful face of nothingness.
But tomorrow was a day

years ago ... I can not remember when. Harold Alvarado Tenorio
asdfghjkl.123456 @


updated: NTC ... / gra . December 30, 2010. 10:24 PM. Feb. 17, 2011. 6:10 a.m.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Make The Chrysler Building Model

greeting new year and report the blog

first thank my Lord Jesus Christ by his grace gave us throughout this year 2010. Secondly thank each of the subscribers that are part of this blog, thanks for allowing us directly our publications in your mail, and share them with other people. I also thank every single person who commented on entries, sent inquiries and made recommendations, contributing to the edification of others, and also we can make publications on various topics, but mostly, it can be blessing to their lives. Finally I thank each of the visitors, who by mistake or because they were looking for a subject, came to this site. I also thank especially my brothers Danny and Milena who were assisting the work of transcription.

I apologize to those who have sent their queries and they do not have answered. I do not really like to send the first thing that occurs to me because I usually respond in a comprehensive manner, and looking for material they can be helpful. I'll be checking my mail, to determine what I needed to be answered and be able to respond.

Most visitors were from Mexico, Colombia and the United States, among others, is that Argentina's many brothers have visited the blog, which I have sent several queries. Dr. Armando Alducin has been a great blessing to my life and I am delighted that there may be a blessing from this blog to people is in their country.

This year we were able to get the transcript of 7 conferences, in its entirety, however 3 to finish were outstanding, which next year with the will of God will be completed.

Although I wish to share and know the needs of you, and so we really need to publish material, above all, we are committed to the truth, and many people do not have, or not going to like some or all of the topics posted on this blog.

87 entries were published, not that he wanted to publish, but hey, I've always wanted to have something different, and this involves more work time. The case of transcripts takes some work, but go forward, because the benefits and applications are diverse.

At the time of this post files hosted on Mediafire server had been downloaded 22,922 times, which pleased me very much because the material published here this be downloaded and heard. We are also encouraged to keep up more files and edifying material.

Perhaps this resting for a few days, and do not post anything, but still be aware of the blog and submit queries. I invite all those who want a sermon written to be published on the blog, to send us transcription with corresponding audio, and so it can be verified and then published.

Finally, I wish that God continue to bless their lives and family, and under God's grace and peace, to work, grow and do God's will in the coming year 2011, which will also mean that God is glorified. And above all, continue with the grace of God, steadfast in the faith, for the Lord Jesus Christ returns soon.

Have a happy Christmas and a prosperous 2011, with the grace of Jesus Christ.



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Finns Kates Playground I Hi-def?

Christ and Christmas - Christ and Christmas - Preaching written - Armando Alducin - Part 2 of 4

Four gifts that God has for you this Christmas

What other thing God gives us this morning in the person of Christ? gives us something the world does not know. In more than 6000 years of history according to the Bible and according to the Institute for Peace Research in Sweden (Stockholm) have been in 6000 years of history, 25 years of peace. Or is that human history is a history of conflict after conflict, wars, revolutions, coups, children against parents, parents against the wife, wives against husbands, citizens against the government. The world will know peace, because the Bible says in Isaiah the prophet "no peace, saith God, for the wicked" no war in the heart of man, and this war between us is what prevents us from be at peace with everyone around us.

The second gift that God offers you this morning is peace in your heart. The word peace comes from the Greek word "eirene" with "and" the beginning "eirene" and means "to unite two things were separate" (...) in other words, you're in this morning at war with yourself, and you can not conquer the world but gains to your own heart first, you can not say that you can earn achievements and PhD graduates, and gaining the world if you never conquered in your own ego. And the Bible says this Peace can not be achieved with any price, with no money and no one can make peace, not your guru in Chapultepec, even if you go to the lamas of Tibet, even if you do transcendental meditation in Chapultepec.

The Bible shows us that peace in Luke chapter 2 verses 13 to 14, is known as the shepherds when they heard angel appeared to them announcing the coming of the Savior, says Luke 2 verse 13 and 14 words "and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace (in peace on earth! Who?) Men who have good will " finally be reaching an outer space and came to this world, and brought him to us peace. And the Bible says that humanity outside of Christ can never know peace. Now what is the peace that Christ brought us? the Bible calls us in Romans 5 verse 1 peace with God "justified by faith we have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ" in other words the Bible says you are an enemy of God.

Today I can answer someone "but I've always believed in the virgin, and little saints and have always believed in God "looks at the question is: In which God? because there are thousands of gods to humans, gods have the stars, in Tiguacán God made the moon and sun, in other countries are god idols, others bow before man s wood sculpting and form through cement, other countries worship God on the rocks, otherwise the spirits, the question is: Which God?, and the Bible reveals that the only true God, the creator of the universe, we made in our image and likeness, is the God of the Bible and the God and father of the man who came 2000 years ago to bring his father peace to this land.

In other words, the Bible says that while you do not accept Jesus Christ into your heart, you can not have peace with God. Although you say you believe in God you have not submitted to the government, you have not fastened to his commandments, are independent, are independent, you are not only law but your own ego, your own rules, you say you have do, and while you live in this state of rebellion, you can not never have peace. The Bible shows us in the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 to 16, and the Bible says in Ephesians 2 of 13 to 16 "and in Christ Jesus you who once were far have been brought near by the blood of Christ, for he is our peace, who made both one, breaking down the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, to create itself same for the two one new man, so making peace. "

In the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 20 the Bible says "And through him, Jesus Christ to reconcile all things, whether things on earth as the are in the heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross " , the Bible says other words, when Jesus died on the cross, you were the enemy of God, and you were here, and through God and you, in the midst of God and Christ puts me as a referee, he puts Christ as a mediator between God and us, and with his death, to open their arms to the cross of Calvary, God shed his blood to see your child paying the guilt of your sins, my sins, and seeing God in his son by paying your account and my account of sins. Then God says "He who believes and receives my son's heart, I see then that person ceases to be my enemy" when I see Christ hanging I say "Holy Father thanks because someone paid for me, although I do not could never afford this, I receive in my heart as my savior "and at that moment the Holy Spirit enter my heart, I am comforted, encouraged me and brings me peace of God which passes all understanding.

God offers you this morning, that you can make peace with Him through the sacrificial death of Jesus, and you this morning to realize that your heart is war you can not sleep, so take tranquilizers pills, so you have to require anesthetic and drugs and alcohol, so you have to go from woman to woman, so you walk hard disk, from bar to bar, bottle- bottle business in business, fraud, fraud, because you have peace in your heart, and never will until they make peace with God through the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Continued ...

Part - Part II - III Part - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the responses found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Knightbridge Collection Limited Edition

Deportivo Coruna - Sporting (Week 16)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Panasonic Steamer Oven

How I can be sure of my salvation? - Grace to You

There are two important tests in Scripture that a person can take to determine whether or not a true believer.

First, there is an objective test which asks, "Do you really think?" Ask yourself if you claim the record in the Scriptures of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Do you think He is God manifest in the flesh? Do you believe that God saves sinners only through the merits of the obedient life of Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on the cross?

Second is the examination experimental subjective or warranty in which you ask, "Is my faith real?" The purpose of the apostle John to write the epistle of 1 John was to give the true believers assurance of salvation (1 John 5:13) . In this letter John gives several brands that make a true believer.

  • True believers walk in the light (1 John 1:6-7). The light here means the intellectual and moral truth. Ask yourself, "I affirm the truths of Scripture, and I obey?"

  • True believers confess their sins (1:8-2:1). Confess here does not mean to recite every bad thing we've done. If not, it means agreeing with God about our sin. That means that true believers hate their sin, not love. They recognize they are sinners, and know they are forgiven.

  • True believers keep His commandments (2:3-4, 5:2-3). This term refers to a vigilant and attentive obedience. Here a Christian desires to obey truths which he considers to be precious. Includes an active approach to obedience - the Christian studies Scripture in order to understand and obey.

  • True believers love to other believers (2:9-11, 3:10, 14-15; 5:2). Ask yourself this question, "Do I love God's people and desire to be with them?"

  • True believers say the sound doctrine (2:20-23, 4:2, 6). Here John teaches that no true believer will fall into any heresy or error which denies Christ.

  • The true believers are in pursuit of holiness (2:29, 3:3-4, 6-9). Verses certainly not talking about sinless perfection, or even the frequency or duration of sin. The term sin these verses describes one who lives an immoral life, impious, and unjust as a continuous practice, and hates God's justice.

  • True believers have the Holy Spirit (4:13, 5:10-11). This is a test that adds up all the others. Is there evidence that the fruit of the Spirit is present in your life (Galatians 5:22-23)?

In summary, the security of one's salvation does not necessarily have to be based on a decision made in the past or experience. Subtract first in one's faith in the objective truth of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and gospel. Second, subtract the reality of a changed life marked by obedience, a love for Christ and His righteousness, and a hatred of sin. Be confident if these things are true, and trust that God will continue working His salvation in your life.

© 2005-2010. Grace to You. All rights reserved.

From: Grace to You


Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of Christians in Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Gold Chain Designs Images

Atop the moment. Armando Orozco Tovar. A book for pennies No. 65. December 2010.

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.

"High in the moment"
Orozco Armando Tovar
Collection "A book for pennies" #

No. 65. December 2010.

External University of Colombia and magazine The Malpensante


virtual edition shortly complete book: . To date, December 22, 2010, 9:12 a.m., on page appear only to No. 58. They have promised to update it. -

Murindó Girls by Armando Orozco Tovar, 2009, gouache, 0.50 x 0.35 mts. ----


Bogotá 1943. Bachelor of Journalism at the University of Havana where he won prizes in poetry, and 83 at the Central University of Bogotá. Editor of Radio Havana Cuba. edited assume the time, things in place, that's all, At the top of the moment, to call shadows, vision, and sleepwalking imagined Radar chance. has chronicled, essays and newspaper articles. He was director of the House of Culture of Soacha (Cund.). Among the poets reviewed by the International Poetry which was translated into English and other languages. For twenty five years he taught at various universities in Bogotá and held workshops for poetry and short story in the House of Poetry Silva and the External University of Colombia. He has exhibited in China ink pens and acrylic in Havana and Bogotá.

back cover BOOK

text poet Luis Vidales ( ). ( 1 , 2, ...)
the poet in the PIW, Poetry International Web
(Click on image to enlarge it and make it readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here).
Matters related to the poet. Links (Poetry)


* http://www.festivaldepoesiademedellin .org/pub.php/es/Revista/ultimas_ediciones/57_58/orozco.html .

Manuel Cepeda Vargas : A HANDBOOK OF DIGNITY


* GIRLS Murindó / AGUADA (s) ON WATERCOLOR PAPER / SIZE 50x35 CMS. (2009). * There other works.
The Malpensante . With No. 115 (December 2010) was distributed the book.

notice in the magazine. P. 73.

updated: NTC ... / degrees. December 22, 2010. 7:48 a.m.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Replacement Trash Can Lids For Rubbermaid

The destruction of the family (Homosexuality) - The destruction of the family (Homosexuality) - Written-Armando Alducin Preaching-Part 4 of 4

The Bible teaches second, that homosexuals read: "I can not change," Is it really scientific truth that homosexuals can no longer change their style of life, the answer is an emphatic "Yes we can! "(...) But if you can also change homosexual behavior. Listen to this, there is a global organization called Exodus International that has within its ranks only pure (former) gay represents just over a million and a half of (former) gay bear witness to how his wishes were changed, and now live free of this sin Why? "Because this was some, but have been washed, sanctified, have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus'

A retreat is not going to remove homosexuality, nor neurotics anonymous marijuana smokers anonymous, anonymous sex, all these institutions, thanks to God for them, but only take away a tree branch, and root Christ came to change, if you want to hear me say that only the power of blood Jesus Christ has the power to change your life, transform your life and take the love you have to give it to Pepe and Lupita, to fall in love with a woman and you realize that the God of the Bible is the God of miracles, but what is what God calls you this afternoon? What God demands of us? we repent of our sins.

What is repentance? in the Greek is "Change the way you think" think deeply "I am a man, I have desires that go against my manhood, my manhood, what is natural, it is natural that I'm attracted to women, oh God did not want to be attracted to men "you know how great is my strength and my passion, I feel this attraction for this man or this woman, you must come honestly before God and say" I have sinned before You Lord, I no longer want to be well, I choose to start your change "and like any disease gradually start to take medicine that is the word of God, begin to discipline your life, to discipline your eyes, to discipline your relationships, and start to discover that God can make a person totally normal.

Third, homosexuals say they must respect human rights homosexual. Who first gave them? Who gave them?, Indeed all human beings have inalienable rights that we seek to be respected. But when a group of people away from society to make a hole in the boat, to argue for a different lifestyle of others, and thus violate the moral, peace, decency, the tranquility of the other normal families , what rights they can claim they have. Especially when demanding that those rights, costumed parade through the streets disguised as women, semi-around naked, aggrieved and hurt the conscience of millions of children worldwide.

And another argument are famous homosexuals Why discriminate against us? word intolerance, and the word discrimination are two very important words that define the real dictionary of the English Language, literature, with this definition, discrimination means "separate, distinguish, distinguish one thing from another" and tolerance means "carry with patience, to suffer, endure or bear "anyone who reads the Bible, immediately discover that the Bible is intolerant and discriminatory, according to dictionary definitions of the English language and literature, the Bible is intolerant Why? because the Bible says clearly that there is discrimination. If a person comes in looking for a job and does not meet the conditions for you to give that job, you're not discriminating, in the case of marriage is, if you do not marry according to God, God separates you, God discriminate against you and says "you can not enter my kingdom," not because God is intolerant, simply a separation between light and darkness, and this can not continue to discuss all of the people who are agency gay.

and finally, the last argument of homosexuals is "look at the statistics of divorce" the Mayor of Chicago Richard M. Daley who has declared openly gay, said that in the major newspapers in Chicago "I have no problem to allow gay marriages in Chicago, because if we talk of marriage, see how many divorces between heterosexual" Is it true that because divorce statistics, it can give homosexuals the opportunity to marry them?

Any thoughts about gay couples, you can give children a better education or a more stable environment, is now claiming, and this is counterproductive and decide the facts and statistics, a study recently in San Francisco of 156 pairs gay, revealed that none of these couples had been together for over 5 years, had had sexual relations only between them 2, that is a lie that homosexuals are faithful to each other or with each other is not true, not true, the authors of this report revealed that homosexuals make a distinction between emotional fidelity and sexual exclusivity, in other words, homosexuals often tell your partner "I give you permission to sleep with Pancho la Rosa, while no pickups you emotionally to it, if you want to enjoy sex without emotional link you to it "and from that moment on they can continue to live together, but over 80 percent of them last no more than 5 years together.

Ladies and gentlemen we have reached a time in our society, where the boat is sinking. Around 1910, a large vessel called the Titanic ocean liner, left a port in England to come to New York and before the liner was thrown into the water makers say these words "this sinking ship or God ', this ship sailed England and almost coming to port here in America, pussy against imperceptible iceberg of this size, you dug a hole and entered in a hasty and furious, flooding all compartments below, and the boat without nearly realized 0:30 at night began to sink where over 3,000 people died. Iban up on the ship "juajaja, jojijijim" playing cards, the rich in the wealthy class in middle class, lower class etc. and never thought that the ship carried a gap.

Ladies and gentlemen our society is going down, every man who can. And we are screaming just as a voice crying in the wilderness "repent of their sins, the trial comes, the next trial, the trial is coming upon the earth, and we are already seeing climate changes that are alarming, where we are seeing a society that is falling apart and collapsing, where men will be lovers of themselves, intemperate, unforgiving, unloving. The Bible prophesies that the end comes, the end comes, the end comes and the more I talk, but people make fun of God.

What can you do in this afternoon to have a life of peace, tranquility, and sense of purpose? the Bible says "repent of your sin, perhaps you are not gay, maybe you cheated on your wife, maybe you are a trades, perhaps you say 'the trades that do not advance," and this philosophy is also economic and financial life, perhaps you're a person fraudulently or maybe you're a lying, perhaps you are a person who cheat on their work, or evade taxes, or try to find a way to get away with it. The Bible says "repent, turn to me," says the Lord "with all your heart and I will abundantly forgive, and I will have mercy on you, so that you have loved to have given my son Jesus Christ, so that if you this morning you turn to me and experience in your life that I'm real, risen from the dead, you will not perish but have eternal life. "

I ask for a moment to bow your head and your face and tipped the Bible says that 'God so loved us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " He was the son of God rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, crushed for our sins, was undone by our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed, like a sheep in front of his tormentors , the son of God did not open his mouth, or defended, was a cross, to open their hands for them to put nails, thorns on his head and nails in his feet, loves to tell us that there is a trial after of this life and that He is the one who was dead, behold, I am alive for ever and ever, and now I invite your thoughts and remember that we are not gods, that the rules of morality, not put us, He is the one that established from the beginning of mankind to preserve the family, to show that we have a dignity as human beings, we need not degrade the level of animals, justifying our sexual freedom.

This afternoon God asks you to come to Him I invite you to come to the cross, I invite you to come to any religion, I invite you to come to a man named Jesus Christ, because the Christianity is not a religion is a personal, living, dynamic, organic, with someone who rose from the dead, Jesus who wants to get to your heart this evening, wash your sins and give you the power through the provision of the Spirit Santo to live for Him, for you to prepare for the day you die, maybe I could be today. You see us on television, also if anyone wants to invite Christ into your life now, say these words there from your place, "My Lord and my God, forgive me, I want to be honest, honest in front of you, I have sinned I've adopted a lifestyle that today I discovered that you do not like, Lord I confess that I have the power to change, I recognize that your word is truth, and I regret with all my heart my sinful behavior, I think in the cross your son opened his arms to give his blood, his life for me now ask you Lord Jesus because I think the third day rose from the dead, to come into my heart right now as my Lord and my Saviour, give me the power to change and live for you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Part - Part - Part Three - Part Four

* Thanks to my brother Dany by transcript of this sermon.




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

any download link also appears in error, please report in comments. I recommend you read the entry "How to download files from Mediafire? Tutorial" , to download manually, or consultation "Mediafire download files easily with Mipony Manager (Auto) - Tutorial" .


Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Can you lose salvation? 3 Bible studies - Armando Alducin, Miguel Rosell and philosophical Heresies

I decided to publish this response to a question I sent a sister , whether lost or not salvation. First I want to share a personal opinion on this subject, but without trying to make a detailed study, because in the end I'll be posting enough material respect. I tell them that I had always believed that salvation could be lost, and this because of the lessons taught me in church that if someone after to be a Christian, regardless of the time, departed from the church and began to sin, this person was a candidate to lose his salvation, at that time not looking problem in this type of education, while one believed the super and spiritual, which may never come to sin, but when it came to failure, guilt and despair was such that he could come to believe that he would lose salvation.

remember one of the last teachings, about the loss of salvation, gave us the youth pastor at that time, recounted the story of a person who had been pastor, but had moved away and sin, so much so that one day, even though he prayed and repented, and felt no peace, and which finally died after falling on his back and break its neck with a root. This story caused me great fear and insecurity if I would be saved, for the reason of not knowing how long I had to go.

Until recently heard for the first time, and believe me, I never in my time of being a Christian, I had heard such teaching, that salvation is not lost, because the real problem is not to be lost but it is actually saved. From whom I first heard this teaching was Dr. Armando Alducin, then listen one of Pst. Miguel Rosell of Spain and then hear one of Pst. Paul Washer, he clarified that they will not have security issue, because this or that pastor teach, but by the biblical evidence on the issue, objecting to the teaching of the loss of salvation.

remember the first person to talk about what he had heard, and which was convinced, was the husband of my sister, who is pastor of about 30 or more years of ministry, he knew the subject and the two positions, ie those who believe "once saved, always saved" and those who think that salvation is lost, but the brother believes in teaching the latter, he'd quote a text in the book of Hebrews where you can suspect that salvation comes to losing, and other text was Matthew, which says that "only he who endures to the end shall be saved "For my part I showed him the text of John where Jesus says that anyone who gives him the Father, he will lose, and suggest that when we say that salvation is lost, we are implicitly saying that salvation is earned, and that total runs counter to biblical teaching, which reveals that salvation is totally a work of grace, that is, no one deserves it or not there is any merit to reach any human, inadequate and would the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, the only and sufficient Savior, becoming a kind of small self-rescuer, to behave impeccably, and retain this award.

However, for many reasons he continued to retain its doctrinal position. In recent days, and when I talked to him about other topics, I said "Pastor, I want you to change your way of thinking and follow me, but to review the biblical evidence about a doctrinal issue that you believe sealed and not that I'm trying to figure out who is right or that I believe than you, but I want to know the truth about this matter. "

Another argument used to counter the teaching that salvation can be lost is that this supposedly would give license to sin, that is, knowing that the person will not lose his salvation because of something can do, it would take to sin voluntarily and at ease, but this idea but could be used by a person to justify his idea, not the cause of losing salvation, but it really is evidence that has never been saved . It is here at this point where we touch the subject of being or not being, if someone has been saved, can not fail to be, because otherwise it means that it never has been, because it can not be and then there was not. At this point I'll publish sermons with this response expanded in detail this point and I mentioned earlier.

addition for people who believe that the teaching of "once saved, always saved" can lead believers to go mad sin, or that gives them license to sin, should consider that this teaching still puts things more complicated, because the important thing here is that the person has been saved, and that its fruits will bear witness of true justification and regeneration by God in the life of a person, not the mere appearance of pity for any particular time. So if someone wants to use his freedom or security in Christ, to practice sin will find reality and a confirmation that has never been saved. For as many of the preachers respond to the question "Can the true believer to get into sin? We find that the true believer can become sin, but not practice sin, that is to make a lifestyle of this sin.

sincerely believe that the church has long taught this doctrine, the loss of salvation, because its leaders have followed as a tradition, but the reality is that there is enough biblical evidence to support it .

Something that we as believers should do, despite having clear that salvation is not lost, is to examine our lives to be a way to know whether we are in Christ, or rather, that the Lord has saved us. Because as mentioned in Pst. Paul Washer the book of First John is a kind of evaluation that will let us know if we are truly children of God, or that the Lord has saved us, not because they repeat a sincere prayer of repentance.

Secondly, I post with this answer three important biblical studies on the assurance of salvation, which surely expand and clarify this issue, the largest and transcendental importance, and which I think every believer should have complete instruction. First, the series entitled THE SAFETY OF SALVATION Dr. Armando Alducin. Secondly, the link to the article and the audio track LOST THE SALVATION of Pst. Miguel Rosell. And finally a video of Pst. Paul Washer, a lecture given at a conference of leaders and pastors in 2007 in Peru.

look for the word of God be in their lives as the Psalmist says "is a lamp to my feet to your word, and a light unto my path"




3 13
not .
Do you lose salvation?

2 Objections and disputes

Chosen by God
Bible Doctrines ? pg81t1z1s8c17ou
The Trinity in salvation
doubtful passages ? ytit7bocylx90w0

7 Key passages
Can we lose the adoption?
About will be convicted?

11 Who is a Christian?

12 Marks of a Christian

The true Christian




Bible study on whether salvation can be lost or not you can read here .







Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the responses found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Mat . 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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