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http://ntcblog.blogspot.com/ , ntcgra@gmail.com Cali, Colombia.
The perpetual feast
José Luis Díaz-Granados
Collection "A book for pennies"
No. 66. February 2011
External University of Colombia ( 125 years ) and The Malpensante
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Selection prepared by Federico Diaz-Granados ( 1)
10.0 x 15.0 x 0.4 cm. 75 pages.
Illustration: Fiesta Carolina Diaz Granados, facebook.com/carolinadg91
Photo source: http://laseleccionesafectivascolombia.blogspot.com/2008/08/jos-luis-daz-granados.html (Page Elections emotional poet.) Profiled in the book, below.)
. . Back cover
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José Luis Díaz-Granados.
(Santa Marta, 1946). Poet, novelist and journalist in Colombia. Very young, at age 22, he published his first book of poetry, The Labyrinth and won the "Caravelle", in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain (1968). Became part of the Generation Without a Name. Was eaten, commentators bibliographic Bogota El Tiempo (1979-2000). Traveled by the USSR, Eastern Europe and Cuba. His novel The Gates of Hell (1986), was shortlisted for the Prize "Rómulo Gallegos" the following year. He was president of the Colombian House of Solidarity with the Peoples and President of the National Writers Union (UNE). He won the National Journalism Award "Simón Bolívar" in 1990 for his interview with the national poet Luis Vidales, and National Novel Prize "City of Pereira Anniversary" in 1994 for his work The Wall and the words. In 2004, the Chilean government awarded him the Presidential Medal of Honor "Centenario Pablo Neruda." His books of poetry are gathered in a volume entitled The party life. Poetry, 1962-2002 (2003). He has also published several children's books and verses different games, and Legends of Colombia, Binder morning, Rites of Spring, The Flood unforgettable, etc.). 2008 was the Poet Honored at the XVI International Festival Poetry Bogotá. Today (Feb. 2011) is an advisor to the Comptroller of Bogotá and taught at the university.
(Santa Marta, 1946). Poet, novelist and journalist in Colombia. Very young, at age 22, he published his first book of poetry, The Labyrinth and won the "Caravelle", in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain (1968). Became part of the Generation Without a Name. Was eaten, commentators bibliographic Bogota El Tiempo (1979-2000). Traveled by the USSR, Eastern Europe and Cuba. His novel The Gates of Hell (1986), was shortlisted for the Prize "Rómulo Gallegos" the following year. He was president of the Colombian House of Solidarity with the Peoples and President of the National Writers Union (UNE). He won the National Journalism Award "Simón Bolívar" in 1990 for his interview with the national poet Luis Vidales, and National Novel Prize "City of Pereira Anniversary" in 1994 for his work The Wall and the words. In 2004, the Chilean government awarded him the Presidential Medal of Honor "Centenario Pablo Neruda." His books of poetry are gathered in a volume entitled The party life. Poetry, 1962-2002 (2003). He has also published several children's books and verses different games, and Legends of Colombia, Binder morning, Rites of Spring, The Flood unforgettable, etc.). 2008 was the Poet Honored at the XVI International Festival Poetry Bogotá. Today (Feb. 2011) is an advisor to the Comptroller of Bogotá and taught at the university.
NTC ... Links:
CHRONOLOGY OF THE POET. LIFE AND WORK: http://joseluisdiazgranados.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html
http://laseleccionesafectivascolombia.blogspot.com/2008/08/jos-luis-daz-granados.html (Page Elections emotional poet.)
http://unionhispanoamericana.ning.com/group/bibliotecadigital/forum/topics/13-la-fiesta-perpetua-de-jose There biographical data and the whole book: the eternal celebration. Jose Luis Diaz-GRANADOS.pdf .
https: / / picasaweb.google.com/ntcgra/NTCNosTopamosConImagenesFebrero152010 # 5574668781132079010 Here the images of this blog and others (to No. 17)
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to date been published up to No. 58, The sun is the only seed , Gonzalo Rojas. Hopefully update soon.
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NOTICE IN THE Malpensante No. 116. February 2011. Page 43.
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Edited by NTC ...
PAGE 43.
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The Cultural Decanatura announces the publication of poems by José Luis Díaz-Granados, The perpetual feast, for the number 66 in the collection cents a book which will be given as a gift to subscribers of the magazine in its issue Malpensante No. 116.
. the Malpensante No. 116. Cover. http://www.elmalpensante.com/
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Updated: NTC ... / degrees. February 17, 2011. 11:18 a.m.
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