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Christ and Christmas - Christ and Christmas - Preaching written - Armando Alducin - Part 4 of 4

Four gifts that God has for you this Christmas

And fourth and finally, in Luke 1, 31 and 32, God gives us not only a director, not only their peace, not just the forgiveness of our sins, but God gives us, in the full of his son Jesus Christ, gives us an eternal kingdom. So when you receive Christ, you go immediately to be part of immortality, you start to be part of an immovable and immutable kingdom is the invisible realm of spirits. Your body every day, we see in the mirror gray hair, wrinkles, we degenerate, the heart every time work less, lung, stomach, everything outside is subject to law of thermodynamics, which is the law in the Bible of corruption . Everything is deteriorating, everything is broken, the house, painting your car, Popocatepetl, stars, everything tends to die as an old garment. But inside when you receive Christ, the Bible says then is renewed, and while we're wearing on the outside, inside we are every day becoming more and more and more growing to the stature of a perfect man in Christ Jesus.

This promises eternal kingdom when Jesus was born in Lucas 1, 32 and 33, said the angel; "this will be great and be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will give him the throne of His Father" , and listen to what verse 33 says; "and rule the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end ". Everything in life is of a walkable, temporal, transient, unstable, gifts will you give is going to spoil the next year, or within two years, no time. But by accepting Christ, God gives us a kingdom together with Him in John 14 Christ says in verse 2 "in my Father's house are many mansions, if not I would have told you, I will prepare a place for you, and if I do go, prepare them all, and will come again and take him myself, that where I am, you're also ".

And in Revelation chapter 21, to finish the Bible the apostle John writes from the island of Patmos, when he was banished by the Emperor Diocletian, there wrote Revelation, and in chapter 21 says these words; "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more, and I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold the tabernacle of God with men, and dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God, God will wipe away your tears, and there will be no death or mourning or crying or pain because the first things passed away ""

Ladies and gentlemen this Christmas if you celebrate the birth of Christ over the next 50 years if he is not born in your heart is useless to put a birth. No use to put a Christmas tree and you give a gift to everyone, if you do not humbly accept the gift of God in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. God promises in the Bible that after this death is another life waiting, we are not animals or animals come from, our feelings, emotions, we bear witness to our being, that is me on my emotions I have consciousness of myself and my emotions and my feelings on hearing the word of God, hearing these songs at this time, because the Spirit of God bears witness with my spirit that God is real, that we need, we can not live without Christ in life, that Mexico has only one solution, and is not new regen, not the new party, not the new governor, the solution to Mexico is the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The coming year we will launch in Mexico one of the most cross-national in against violence and crime, and the only book we raise will be the Bible, because it is at the Azteca stadium, and the stadium Iquereta, and Guadalajara, and Monterrey, we will tell the rulers and Mexico that the only way the country can change, is that this message is preached, that they look like police officers, governors, deputies and criminals fall to their knees crying and asking forgiveness for their sins. While Mexico does not make peace with God can not be peace in our country, we can not trust America, a wise man to come and remove all the bad things that exist, because the problem is not the man, the problem is heart man.

And as Christ is not risen, Mexico will continue to sink, but that Christ is lifted you have to be a witness for Christ in your school, at work, in hospital, in your shop, your office, for that Christ calls us this morning to accept it and go to the world and become his witness, and he talks to your patient, your secretary and your boss, and in the Senate that he lives, and we need repent and turn to God with all our heart. They do not want many of you this morning turning to God, accepting Christ for the first time in your life, perhaps you're a Catholic, perhaps you are a Protestant, I do not know what religion have, but if you have a religion but does not have Christ you're headed to hell. Come to Jesus this morning, híncate and ask forgiveness for your sins, your eyelids spilling two or three tears, of all the evil you have done, your rebellion, your pride, your pride and acknowledge that we were not created for be gods, are not independent, we depend on God and have to rely on Him for all eternity.

I ask you for a moment to bow our heads. So your face bent, the Bible says when Jesus was born would be called the Son of the Most High God gave the throne of David his father, and his kingdom will never end, because this being, this Saint born 2000 years ago was called Wonderful. I admire the world of his time, and we still admiring 2000 years later. Another name of Christ is a director, because the are locked all the secrets of wisdom and knowledge. He is the Mighty God, for he is your only strength, He is the only one who can defend, he is the one where your soul will rest. He is called Eternal Father, for the unborn Christ existed with the Father, the Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, full of grace and truth.

And the other name Christ, Prince of Peace because He came to bring peace to our hearts, and come a second time to bring peace to humanity, and then finish the wars, the lion will dwell with the lamb, the snakes could be cherished babies so there will be thorns in plants, because the earth will be changed and there will be new heavens and earth, there will be no tears, no longer going to die, we'll never get sick, or be aging, because the curse will be removed from earth when he comes, for those who await him, by those who believe He is the Son of God.

This morning he commands you to repent of your sins. Because has appointed a day in which we must judge with justice. He asks you to open your heart and free, you do not have to do anything, you receive him as your Lord and Savior, because salvation is free. It cost him his blood, and you just have to believe in Him and receive Him as your savior. All of you in this morning with his head bowed.

© Dr. Armando Alducin Fletcher, Pastor of NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, Mexico,

Part - Second Party - Third Party - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the responses found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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