Thursday, February 3, 2011

Insurance Offer Example

Journalist assaulted by two of the Sampdoria ultras

A journalist was hit in the face as well as numerous spittle. This is the balance of the emergence of two ultras Sampdoria in Genoa in Telenord studies, where on Thursday afternoon was airborne transmission of the "Forever Samp."
The ultras struck the journalist of "Il Corriere Mercantile" Gerboni Matteo, who had to go to hospital for first aid. Police rushed to the scene and arrested the two ultras blucerchiato team.
The ultras, who want to reduce the public debate on a collision course with President Riccardo Garrone, who had declined an invitation to attend that program, tried to stop the issue, throwing a pair of cameras to the ground and insulted the present study, apart from the attack on the host of "Forever Samp."
The accusation by the ultras was wrongly disclosing the contents of a meeting between the Samp fans, particularly the point at which the extremists had decided to ask the President to sell the club. In fact, depending on the version of followers, his application was reduced to coach Domenico Di Carlo.


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