Thursday, November 4, 2010

Throat Infection With Swollen Gums

Emotional Depression - Dr. Armando Alducin (written Preaching - Part 3 of 4)

... it's called, ladies and gentlemen, perspective, the day a man believe that God is an Aladdin's lamp, that He is to satisfy our whims, to answer our questions when we want, without having us the attitude of humility, recognizing, Augustine since then acknowledged that he needed to be humble, because God's thoughts are greater than our thoughts, and it is as if God had 1 million watts and my head is 60 watts, you really want answers, if God would give them melt your 60 watts because they are bigger than your ability to understand what God can explain.

You do not know how it has helped me in my life, my Christian life, because never stop being assailed by doubts, and whenever I have doubts so serious and inexplicable things happen Why? at that time I remember only one thing God gave his life for me on the cross, and so from my perspective I think that if God were good, would not allow people to die well, and would not allow that girl of six years not, and would not allow me, that's how I think, as I gather, but I'm not God! Who am I? Pig worm water, microbe, parasite, worm trying I I! Finite creature, infinitely smaller than the mind of God, infinitely more foolish, sin has affected our mind and our concepts and our philosophical illogical conclusions, which I dare to say to God, get off your throne and siƩnteseme there!, and now I wear the cap of a judge and call you to the supreme court, and I'm going to judge, having seen answer me! Why did you do this and that? "I dare to believe that I can be smarter, and I think I can judge God? Pride, the pride of man. And when we have that attitude will never move forward. He found no answer.

And then we see next to last place for us to overcome our depression, we need to stop remembering the past and start looking towards the future. In verse 4 was the author of this Psalm: "I remember these things, and I remember the past," and there are marriages that "you remember what I did 15 years ago" that awful! Mrs. after 15 years still brings resentment in his heart, still has not forgiven, is still alive, latent, potentially his anger at her husband, but the female president of the Church, is a deacon, a teacher of the Bible , but that still brings venom against her husband. One of the biggest signs of immaturity of a Christian is that immature Christians living in the past, one of the biggest signs you've grown in Christ and that has matured, is that your past is dead, although there is force and potentially the brain, the subconscious mind can not forget because everything is recorded, since we were children, yet it's there, and not react to that, that is difference. Haber

if I understood, I do not forget, right? what they did 15 years ago and 10 years ago, because it is part of memory, but when that person I find it, that I did 15 years ago, and I find it right? And springs what he did to me, I'm so dead and myself, and I am so full of grace and mercy of God Why? because it made me and bury it, no longer hurt me, because I died along with Jesus Christ. Imagine a dead give him a kick, and then (gesture) Leje axis, you're not dead! Right? but no, it's going to be dead, dead reaction implies that it is dead, and when we react to the injustices of life demonstrates that been alive, if we're dead or alive.

You can not live in the past "is that you do not know brother, I abort seven children '" is that you do not know brother "yesterday I was a banker, was speaking at the first service that I ate with him in Santa Fe de Mexico , well, one of the largest branches, banks in Mexico, chains of Mexico, and Christian, went to our church, it was a year ago of the Church, I had not seen and talked to me before yesterday "urged me to talk to you 'and there he and his wife, smashed transformed, yesterday I sat down to talk with him "Armando help us please!" full of fear, full of fears, well what I was told my ears could not have been able to understand or accept, understand I said 'but you were a Christian marriage, you had the answers, you had the word of God, you have the Holy Spirit What happened? For the love of God, "and the answer was" we let go the hand of God, we pray together, we stopped attending church, we stop taking Bible studies, we stopped having friends and Christian marriages, we started "he began to prosper in the bank, and took him to succeed, and while more money had I confessed yesterday, more stealing, and the more earned more invested, and the more earning less handed him, because he had come loose from God, and Jesus said in John 15 "separated from my 'pride leads to depression.

And in last place, in Psalm 43 are three responses to depression. Psalm 42 and 43 were written by the same person, and we see first place in verse 1 and 2, the first answer to our depression 'judge me oh God and defend my cause, deliver me from evil people and the deceitful and wicked man " the first answer is that God will judge your cause " judge me "means" make me justice. " Many times God moves in great power as in the Exodus and the Red Sea opens and releases all his children, and sometimes he will allow the case you were in court, it seems that is winning, and your ex husband has more money, another ex-wife or family, with the person you're fighting, or the person you sued, and sometimes situations seem as if the ship sinks, and We are entering water, and it's raining, and that God is waiting to see how we react. What will you say? Are you going to worship? Are you going to continue to worship? Are you going to keep coming to church? Are you going to keep believing in him? Are you going to keep getting up on the circumstances? What will you do? First Peter 1, 4 and 5, "your faith, more precious than gold needs to be proven" there is no way to know if we are truly Christians more than how we react to the injustices of life.

often find that God shows us, right? He is leaving us, because He is waiting to judge us, so says the Bible more than 100 times "Beloved, do not take revenge, my beloved avenge not" Romans 12 "Beloved" Leviticus, Deuteronomy, the Gospels, not revenge, not in your hands take vengeance, vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay " Why? you see how this works spiritually, a person assaulted me and has something against me, throws me arrows of fire, I do something, it hurts me, if I answer the same way, he added fuel to the fire, the problem grows because the devil attacks us, and we just itching to get us to act in the spirit, and cause our flesh, my selfishness, my pride react, and when I get out of the spirit and start to act and respond, and cursing, swearing and that's what he wanted, and then I open with his darts of fire, because I have lost the shield of faith with which I can put all that send me.

When someone attacks me, tell me, slander me, it hurts my reputation, or you too, at this point if I pay with what he does with me good, then God saw that I did not come God knows that I come because I live by faith, I believe what he is telling me, so I did not come, I stand, and suffer the injury "I have wanted to squeeze his neck, right? I have wanted to give a charolazo a sartenazo my husband ' but I do, I knelt and I fall before God "Father judges my cause" and we bow before God and say "man you are my reason, you do me justice in that moment all enemy opposition unleashed in our lives, and we make God arises from his throne and tell the angels' wait a minute, and I'm going down yonder in the land, because down there on earth has touched someone "How someone who has touched ? TAS seeing that you're surrounded? "Christ told 'of people and say someone has touched me, but everyone squeezes you, but not the person who hit me did it in faith"

and so we are here on hundreds Church people worshiping God, and God alone touch it, God responds, to leave God and Christ came to heal the woman's blood flow, the power, we make God's power arises when we touch it with faith when we will believe and act on what He tells us, then God acts and their power comes from heaven to earth, and takes care of your hubby, and is responsible for your hubby, and is responsible for your brother, and is responsible the head of your job and anyone who tries to hurt us, the Bible says "beware those who touch my anointed" God told Abraham "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse those who curse you" and says Galatians 3 and Galatians 5 'to we are the seed of Abraham "and the blessing of Genesis 12 2 and 3, is mine is yours if you are a child of God.

and Psalm 37 says "the wicked may shoot prepares his bow to the just, and do not know that the arrow will turn in his heart" the Bible says that anyone who wants to harm me God says in Isaiah 41, Isaiah 45 " who conspires against you, conspire against me "and God says" I am your shield, your reward "What is a shield? is something ahead of me, somebody shoot me before I get to me, hits the shield, said God when he says "I am your shield, which wants to hurt you before I hurt my" Gloria God, bless his holy name, then what shall I fear? What is my frustration? Why am I discouraged?

Secondly says Psalm 43 verse 3 "send your light and your truth, they guide you, lead me to your holy mountain, and your dwelling 'second, the second answer to depression is the address of God life. A person who has no light before she suffers from fear, fear as Dr. Freud said, the past century, "the man is afraid of the unknown" your dark cave that does not enter, because they know there, but if anyone has a lamp, the lamp you go right? because you see that there is nothing, no scorpions, no bears etc. etc. light always motivate us forward, and says the Bible "which allow no light in the Lord" God will show you what you have to do, if you wait on Him

Continued ...

Part - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four

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