Saturday, November 27, 2010

Milena Velba Hardcore Intext:forum

Depression Emotional (Emotional Depression) - Dr. Armando Alducin (written Preaching - Part 4 of 4)

Right now I do not know because they do not enroll your children in school, do not know why you're not going to go on holiday at Easter in Guadalajara, ignore many things and not have answers What is the answer if you are a child of God, if you are a Christian? hope that God will show his light to guide you, Romans 8:14 says "the sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit" not what to do, my husband walks around with other "quiet standby, God will shine, and will show you what to do, if you do not have light, do nothing" to my children, I discovered that marijuana has a wadding my son 15 years, and I do not know what to do "please pray, you search for the Bible, go to your church, ask advice from your pastors, do not do anything without light because you will fall in a hole, the only light we have is the light we have in the word of God "lamp to my feet is your word, a light unto my path" .

Thirdly, the verse 4 of Psalm 43 "will come the altar of God, the God of my joy to the God of my joy and my joy! not the God of my depression, not the God of my despair, not the God of my frustration, never, never, never, ever discouraged us by God, any disappointment in my life, any kind of frustration in my life, any type of depression in my life comes from God, He is the God of my joy and my joy. Third, the final answer to depression is to keep the joy of the Lord, Nehemiah said "the joy of the Lord is our strength" look me in life, and your in the need to sustain life, walking, strength, and I will not, or tequila, or whiskey, or a churro of pot, or pericazo, I will not use pills or tranquilizers, in my five senses God wants us to face life with him, and I really feel that it can be, now that we can, with God tear down forces , and leaped over a wall, and God is going to have to go prepared in life for me when I see the lion pounds, and I pound bear, and I for a 3-meter Goliath 'before collapse and kill the bear a lion, I will not kill this uncircumcised Philistine "when David fought Goliath, he confronted his past and because he believed in God, and now the obstacles that arose, and stood Goliath, they were nothing compared to back problems, because the more we advance in life brothers, the more problems we have and the more problems we need to face stronger, and the only force that can drive me is joy.

is incredible, this is the best manual of psychology there, and faces life (whining) facing life (whining) I can not, the problems at home, or my marriage, we need to all joy, joy, but if we keep the joy as it says in Philippians 4, "rejoice, rejoice, rejoice," says in the Psalms' grip tambourine, hop, rejoice "lie down batons, truncheons nobody's check, your "Alabi, alabimbombao, yo, yo, yo, ra, ra, ra" needed cheer us out, we need to throw us air, we need, we need encouragement, need encouragement "is that my grandmother does not want me, my wife does not want me, my kids do not want me or my dog \u200b\u200b"anyone would say" give yourself a shot because "right? "Although my father and my mother forsake me, Lord will not leave me 'you will die your husband, your wife will die, because the law of all of us is left alone in life, you killed the dog, you parrot dies, he dies our children, my dad died, your grandmother dies, they all have to die, some later others left behind, others are left behind, others are already ahead, we'll all see in the sky, that we are children of God, but we stayed here on earth, no matter where you are, you need strength, need encouragement , you need strength, and these forces you are given by the Lord "for the joy of the Lord is our strength"

Now we can tell the person who wrote this Psalm, and answered God, verse 5, "Why are you downcast, O my soul? "Verse 11," Why are you cast down O my soul? "43:5" Why you cast down O my soul? »In the three questions found in Psalm 42:5 in verse 11, and Psalm 43 verse 5, the same answer," Why are you downcast, O my soul, and so disturbed within me? 'And the answer is, waiting on God. Why is our depression, why is our despair? Because there is an invisible force behind us to push operating and acting in early life "there is no known brother, my marriage is hell, 'pa' you married too soon! "Is that I said, that if I am married, and not returned to see" anyone who comes and you do these kinds of pressures in life "if not te casas conmigo en tres días, no nos vemos» pues ahí nos vemos chiquita «si no haces este negocio cuñado, mira cae ahorita con $100.000, y mañana, pero mañana lo necesito, sino me los das ahorita, y si no le entras ahorita, no lo podemos hacer» ¡Cuídense! en cualquier cosa en la vida que se nos acerque a corretearnos, porque no es de Dios, dice en Isaías «el que cree, no se apresure»

Tenemos que estar absolutamente seguros, que con nuestra paciencia ganaremos nuestras almas. Muchos quieren ya triunfar, muchos quieren ya ser conocidos, muchos quieren hacer esto, girls get into the art scene in Mexico we have two cases right now, two girls, right? Televicentro entered, and came and went through weapons like 50 guys, but wanted to be (...) wanted to exit the program and wanted to be known by all "you're so cool and so beautiful" that it believed, and believed that was for the world and the beauty God gave you not for television and you want to see men who only want your body, was for "the virtuous woman, beautiful is beauty and grace, woman fears God, she shall be praised "

But the devil pushes us to act soon, and God says "wait on Him." Christ was no exception, the devil came to Jesus and said 'look at Jesus the kingdoms, see the power, see the policy that I give you, make you senator and president, I make the best musical group, you do the best person , I give this company, I make you manager of your company, and so "and Jesus says Hebrews 12" for the joy set before Him, despising the shame, that you may not become weary and discouraged, consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart "Jesus said" I do not want anything right now, my crown comes after this life, "Abraham had all the land and told his nephew Lot, Genesis 13" Look dear, if you go there, I come here, if you go there, I come here, choose you, I have no hurry, I'm not ambitious, and right now I do not want all because God works in the long term and short-term devil works "the devil wants right now Hop, skip and act without waiting and being patient for God's time, you left no Easter holiday this year, maybe you are best in summer holiday, having kept hope in God, God is testing you, God tests us continuously. And we need to understand that without the faith and patience we can not receive any promise from God.

Brothers cheer, cheer, was the disappointment this morning, was the depression in this morning, in the name of Jesus, were all negative feelings in my mind and my soul ! God leads me from victory to victory, and Christ Jesus, the situation in my house is going to improve, my son is going to change, now is a drug addict, now is this, but I confess with my mouth, I see the future him, and God is going to succeed in life, because it belongs to the covenant of blood, and I have no job right now but is a better one, but there will be no external thing to come into my inner life, and rob me the greatest thing I have in my heart, my trust in God "If my soul hopes in God, because even we have to praise "


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and God bless Father of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles long, all my anxieties book me Lord, because you have trusted Him, saith the Lord "I also get out of your pit of despair, we will put you out and your feet on the rock, I'll show my name and my salvation, As you have entrusted in me 'because without trust is impossible to please God, because we need to live confident, that things which are seen are temporal, but the real things are not true, or at least not fail to see immediately when they come for the answer Are you going to worship? when you get out of this test you going to glorify? and always, always say at the end of our way "God kept his promise" always say "God was faithful "always say" God was good, God is good "because so loved us, that his own son Jesus Christ did not forgive him for us, or spare him but gave him up for our trespasses and raised for our justification will .

Blessed be God, we praise you this morning, because your works are incomparable and incomprehensible to our minds, and behind all things that happen in the universe you are God, sovereign , you made us for us, we did not do anything around us, you created heaven and earth, the stars and all there to show us your order, your design, your love, your provision for your children, we're the only ones who can admire your creation. Parents use to a blind world around us, a world focused on its self, an ego-centric world, people only live for themselves, looking for someone to exploit, who take advantage, who do wrong, who revenge, more you should not be so, that your righteousness is greater than that of the Pharisees, are perfect as your Father is perfect, Jesus said "If your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty give him drink ' if something did not go as expected, it expects what comes next, God will never take away anyone's anything you would not then twice, and all that let you choose God, God gives the very best, waiting on God's time, my soul waits, and do not cast down, and you're not disappointed, disillusioned and my soul, because in this morning rebuke all discouragement, all frustration, all bitterness, and all discouragement that could be in my heart, because my God, leaped over a wall, and will defeat hosts, He is my rock, my light and my truth, trust Him, Alleluia.

Part - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four



Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Antenna Bazooka Build

mysticism Beware! (Mysticism Beware!) - Preaching Written - Pst. Sugel Michelen - Part 1 of 4

I ask please if you are so kind, to go with me to the letter of Paul to the Colossians, Colossians chapter 2, although this morning we're just going to be putting verses 18 and 19, we read up to verse 23 in order to make the connection;

no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things that has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and joining by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase of God. Since you died with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why as though living in the world, you submit to regulations such as: Do not handle, not taste, touch or even (according to commands and doctrines of men), things we all are to perish with use? Such things are to indeed a show of wisdom in will worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

Many people do not seem to be aware that the greatest danger to Christianity is wrapped in religious garb. When Christians have to confront those things that are openly sinful, contrary to their faith openly, can quickly be on guard against them, but when the opposition comes disguised as a religion, many believers are confused and can be momentarily diverted by doctrines that are totally contrary to Gospel of Christ, despite the appearance of piety. Well, that was precisely what was happening in this church at Colossae, Asia Minor, the Church that Paul sent the letter, which has for several Sundays we have been studying here in the morning, some false teachers were trying convince these believers, that they had received salvation through faith in Christ, was an incomplete salvation.

is why throughout the letter Paul insists that Christ is a sufficient Savior, who came to provide salvation sufficient, hence the central issue of this letter, that someone has been summarized in a mathematical formula, we have said here several times throughout this series,

Christ + nothing = All

All - Christ = Nothing

Now in this section of Chapter 2 that we began to look back a few weeks ago, in which Paul addresses directly false teachings, heresies to which these Christians were being exposed in verses 16 and 17, which was the last to consider before stopping momentarily set to the Colossians, Paul warns the brothers against legalism, Colossians chapter 2 verses 16 to 17;

no man therefore judge you in food or drink, or regarding a festival, new moon or Sabbaths, all of which are a shadow of what is to come, but the body is Christ.

My brothers, later we will return to this passage, to consider the subject of the Sabbath, which is mentioned here, and its connection with the Lord's day. But for various reasons pastors thought it was best to continue to present the letter in the remainder of the year, then move to consider this issue more calmly.

What is legalism? of which Paul warns in verses 16 and 17 in the last lecture we said that "it is in trying to gain favor with God through our obedience, whether we do trying to obey the commandments of God, or commandments invented by men "as the Gospel moves us to obedience by having been accepted by God, based on the redemptive work of Christ, legalism tells us that "we must obey to be accepted." In accepting the Gospel comes first, obedience comes later, in legalism is reversed, obedience comes first, then to reach agreement, either before God, before others, or ahead of myself. It all depends on you, your obedience, your personal effort, your commitment, your merits, legalism leads man to rely on itself, while the Gospel moves us to rest only in Christ, not only in all that has to do with the salvation of our souls, but all you have to do with our spiritual growth.

But there are two dangers to which Paul warns in this section of the letter, and believe me my brothers that these two dangers are so malicious, they're so lethal on the day of today as they were in the first century of the Christian era, I refer to mysticism and asceticism. In the morning I go to see mysticism Beware! next Sunday, if the Lord lets see asceticism Beware!

What is mysticism? I hope you brothers have slept well, they are awake, and have a good breakfast, what is mysticism? good in a simple way we can define it as "the search for a deeper religious experience, through a direct and immediate communication with God, putting aside the intellect and is based more on intuition and inner enlightenment" and believe me this is the easiest way that I can say. Let me repeat again what is mysticism? "Is the search for a deeper religious experience" that we understand it right? "A religious experience deep, through a direct and immediate communication with God "that is, without intermediaries between me and God," putting aside the intellect and is based more on intuition and internal lighting "a favorite word of the mystics is John chapter 1 verse 9, where the Gospel tells us "that true light that enlightens every man coming into this world" they say "there is a true light of God in every person, and therefore what we must do is find that light within us, is to find this inner light, that's the way that we connect with God. "

A parent of mysticism in the V century, explained it this way "we must leave behind the senses and the operation of the intellect, through pure self-denial and total, to enter the bright and super-critical divine darkness "Do you want to see any other way? The same mystic says "when the spirit is stripped of everything he sees, penetrates into the mysterious darkness of not knowing" or of ignorance "there giving everything that the mind can conceive, absorbed fully in what is not perceived nor understood, completely abandoned in one who is more is all being. " If you have not understood a contemporary mystic hear this Vladimir Lossky was called, died only in 1958, he says "it is necessary to give both senses, as any work of reason, I must give to the intellect, everything that can be known by the senses of understanding, that we may be able to join in perfect ignorance of one who transcends all being and all knowledge. "

Noten my brothers as the two mystics, one from the V century, and one of the twentieth century, insisting on the same, we should try to achieve a mystical union with God, leaving aside the intellect and reason, is why the mystics resort to the use of mantras many times, not always, What are mantras? the repetition of a word, a sentence of one syllable, even sounds Why? To empty the mind of every thinking individual, and thus have a mystical experience with God. That as someone rightly said, the best is not nothing but a self-hypnotic trance, and in the worst case, a demonic experience.

remember as a teenager, before being a Christian, read the speeches of a man who had been before Theosophist, because they believed he was the reincarnation of do not know who, and this guy realized the folly that he was promoting was called Krishna Guido Murphy, and Murphy Krishna said "when you use this kind of mantra, this type of repetition, of course you find peace," and he said 'you use any words, there must be a very intricate word can be up to Coca-Cola "if you set your mind at one point, and begin to think Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola you'll forget that you light, you need the home phone, your mind is blank, and that's exactly what these people promote.

Dear Brothers, the Bible clearly teaches that no man can approach God directly or immediately, as claimed by mystics. We need a mediator to approach God, and that mediator is none other than the Son of God, the person of Christ Jesus, First Timothy Chapter 2 verse 5 "There is one God, there is one mediator between God and men "is why when we pray to God, we must do in the name of Christ. Now, taking into account the issue we are preaching here, say at the end of the sentence "In the name of Jesus" is not a mantra, is that if I come before God, and at the end of what I ask, I say the magic words, now abracadabra instead, is "In the name of Christ 'this prayer will be granted, not when I pray in the name of Christ, what that means is that I go before God, not in my own name, because my own name I have no accounts in the kingdom of heaven, is Christ who deserves everything, and I come before the Father in his name, is not a mantra, not a word miracle, is to go to God with a clear conscience that I do not deserve anything, but Christ deserves everything, and I come before the Lord, in His name.

Continued ...

Part - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four




Our desire is to know a preacher in particular, but to see clearly that the answers are found in the Bible, so we read, meditate and live it every day, because our faith should not be based on the findings of a preacher, but in the Word of God, which is invariable (John 5:39, Matt. 22:29,) and follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17:11).

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Squirt Gay Cruise Guide Nyc

I pursue a form. Ruben Dario. A book collection for pennies, No. 64, November 2010.

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.

I pursue a form
Ruben Dario
Collection "A book for pennies"
No. 64, November 2010.

External University of Colombia and magazine The Malpensante

(Click on image to enlarge it and make it readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

. Images
book # 5541094902426324402 and the following four to the right.
Images and links on the entire collection, see #

soon ------- virtual book publishing Full:
To date, Nov. 18, 2010, 10:33 PM, in the page appear only to No. 58. They have promised to update it. (See below, cross-mails) *
+ + + +
On the number 63, above, and the entire collection (1 to 63), see:
few words. Oscar Hernández. A book by Centavos. No. 63. October 2010. +++++++


*** About Ruben Dario and his work: , C3% A9n_Dar% C3% ADo , ,


recent events related :

*** November 5, 2010. BOGOTA, 7:30 PM

-> "A BOOK FOR CENTS" CELEBRATING A COLLECTION OF POETRY. of the External University of Colombia. Presented by: Juan Manuel Roca. Participate poets: Renata Durán, Jotamario Arbelaez, Luis Fernando Afanador, Gustavo Adolfo Garcés, Fernando Herrera, Mery Yolanda Sánchez and Omar Ortiz. Card: # 5536556178600723186 . Friday November 5, 7:30 pm. Av Cra 24 No. 37-44. Park Way - La Soledad. Free admission. Info: David Trujillo Bustamante, Turpentine Audiovisual Communications, Arts & Books Mobile: + (57) 300 614 77 25. . General Programming Nov.-Dec, 2010 in Turpentine, see: Turpentine programming 2010.pdf November and December, % 3D0B-ABjQmYGMXbNTUzZWU2NzktNWRlZC00NWNhLWFlZDYtY2RkZDMwMjgwYjQz% 26hl% 3Den & usd = 2 & usg = AFQjCNGZlB9GxM_ZDCLlzMGjl14GxIXJUQ


* Cross Messages:

From: NTC

Date: November 10, 2010, 21:48

Subject: "A book for pennies." Congratulations and thank you. Print editions and virtual. NTC ...


To: miguel.mendez @ , clara.arango @ , angela.vasquez @
Miguel Méndez Camacho, Clara Mercedes Angela Vasquez Arango and Cultural Decanatura
, U. Daytime.
"A book for pennies

Dear Gentlemen

Cordial greetings. Again, congratulations and thanks for the wonderful poetry collection "A Book for pennies." What a great contribution to Poetry and Culture in Colombia and universal. We wish you new achievements in these activities and for long life Collection.

As you may know, since he began publishing and dissemination have been following it. And particularly welcome its decision to "move up" internet full content of each issue and the complete collection. We see with concern that the publication is printed, so far, the No. 63 and virtual single by No. 58 . Hopefully soon could update the digital versions of which we want our subscribers to continue advertising and placing the respective links on our parent publication: # . Today there "Climbed" like images loins and titles and poets of Nos. 1 to 63.

Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely, NTC ... we ran ... , . Arbelaez Gabriel Ruiz, Director


From: CULTURAL Decanatura

Date: November 12, 2010 12:51 Subject: A book by Centavos


Very good afternoon sir Gabriel Ruiz:

for us is total degree His words, we received with great appreciation. At his suggestion
on publications that are posted on the website of the External University, like to inform that we are in the process of updating the information found there to provide a better update of our work in the Dean's office.
Sincerely, Natalia Holguin
Rangel, Assistant Cultural Decanatura, External University of Colombia
Tel: 341 9900 ext. P
1480 Be kind to the environment, print this email only if necessary


updated: NTC ... / gra. Nov. 18, 2010. 10:43 PM

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Kind Of Cheese Is On The Salad At East Sides

few words. Oscar Hernández. A book by Centavos. No. 63. October 2010.

-blog Portal complementary NTC ... we ran ... . , Cali, Colombia.

few words
Oscar Hernandez
cents a book. Poetry Collection. Printed and virtual.
No. 63. October 2010
External University of Colombia and El malpensante

new logo of the collection from No. 60.


Illustration: Comala Antonio Samudio (1989)
Photo source: . Alli text by the poet, column in El Colombiano.



Born in Medellin in 1925. He studied at the universities of Antioquia and Pontificia Bolivariana. If you do a journalist has 15 years, author of scripts for radio and popular songs, film actor, boxing-dor and footballer in his youth. Dirigi6 the Printing Department. Poet and storyteller. His literary work: Poems of Man (1950), while the logs burn (stories, 1955), The Sunday (prose, 1962); The few words (1958) ; air Inhabitants (1964); At the end of Street (second Esso Prize for Fiction, 1965) for a traveling Verses (1966); The few words and Other Poems (1996); After the Wind (2001) and The few words and other poems (recovered paper - National University 2007).
back cover. Text Juan Manuel Roca.
(Click on image to enlarge it and make it readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here).

Anthology by the poet Juan Manuel Roca.

. Soon the entire book online edition at: (In date, these issues are on the No. 58: groups: 1 , 2, 3 , 4, 5 and 6. This No. 63 will be in Group 7.)


Image taken from
Alli: Oscar Hernandez, Santiago Mutis Durán text on the poet and Poems (including "Simon Metallic"). Bogotá 2009. DISCLAIMER No. 45. November ---- December 2009 -
(Click on image to enlarge it and make it readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here).


The latest in books Magazine
Credential (Bogotá - Colombia). ISSUE 288 NOVEMBER 2010
The few words
Oscar Hernandez
External University / The Malpensante . 72 pages. 2010.

Let this occasion to outline the very commendable work carried out by this collection of Colombian poets, that under the general title of a book sells copies for pennies to $ 1,000. That's right. That figure can be purchased the verses of the best poets of the country, and some Latin Americans such as Cesar Vallejo and Eugenio Montejo. For this, the number 63 of the collection, its author is one of the most unjustly neglected national bards, a man who, with his words opened doors and windows, marking paths of renewal for the national poetry from the mid- past. His poem to Bolivar, Simon metal * is one of the most beautiful metaphors that have been written about the Liberator. ("The most beautiful poem ever written on the Liberator." Juan Manuel Roca on the back cover of the book.)
COLLECTION: Nos. 1 to 63
(Click on the image to enlarge and make it readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

On the left the old logo. A new logo right from No. 60, inclusive.
details, images, links on the Library, SEE: "A BOOK FOR CENTS" , UnLibroPorCentavosColeccionDePoesiaUniversidadExternado #

Oscar Hernandez, Santiago Mutis Durán text on the poet and poems (including "Simon Metallic) Bogotá 2009
boundary does not 45.
November ---- December 2009
+ + + +
Arcadia - Sep 2007 - Results of the Google Book Search
Review on the book "Word Count and Other Poems"
+++++ C3% 93scar_Hern% C3% A1ndez_Monsalve
+ + + +
The few words and Other Poems Oscar Hernandez

The few words and other poems - Results of the Google Book Search there the whole book.
Oscar Hernandez, a rescue
The publication of this book, there will be a bibliographic curiosity but an act of justice. As is known, in almost all spheres of life, especially among human beings, no justice without memory. Rescue from oblivion this work, leaning with all their lights on Colombian literature since the late 40's means do justice to a writer who for more than a quarter century chose a kind of silent exits through the forum. Oscar Collazos

14x21 • ISBN 978-958-701-812-7 • 191 p. • 2007
Word count
Santiago Espinosa review The few words and other poems by Oscar Hernandez

By: Santiago Espinosa
ARCADIA, Issue 24, September. 2007. Http://

In reviewing the poems of The few words, it is difficult to agree with what Oscar Collazos says in the foreword of the book: more than one title left to recover critically, rather than an exercise in memory by memory, that has made the collection of the National University is an act of justice. Justice with a work that despite its size-almost 200 pages-book is presented as a clean and necessary. Justice Oscar Hernandez, a poet who is still alive, and despite the disdain of his contemporaries remained whole, in the profession for over fifty years.

This entire volume which was completed by Hernandez in 1986 by its spontaneity and beauty enjoys absolute force, to the point that one might think, a healthy oversight, that these poems were written last week. But that force, which is the greatest virtue of these poems, makes us forget the most important thing: the entire first half of the book, titled as The few words, was published in 1958. The year sound too remote for some poems so close, you have to check the date several times. Before Echevarría and Mario Rogelio Rivero, the boom of urban poetry, "Hernández and had sung in the streets with all the impudence of the citizen. In the same year as lovers Jorge Gaitán Durán when it was announced in the magazine Myth the appearance of a telluric eroticism Colombian poetry, Hernandez, silent, and had written poems and sing to one woman.

Hence, the rescue of this poetry is not only a belated gift. His reappearance in very different circumstances and with poetic almost opposite, is much like the posthumous discovery of the work of Carlos Obregon forces us to rewrite history, to open unexplored paths in a tradition of making poetry between neglect and time it seems that we saved the best for later. Poetry

direct and poignant, surprising. It is noteworthy that in poems long near the dialogue, not a word. Poetry courageous, risk-taking as talk of spite without falling into kitsch, or that Simon Cash, dedicated to Simón Bolívar, not just receive one of the few poems to the Liberator who are saved from the fire, the poem, without further discussion , is a masterpiece.

is not the poetry of Oscar Hernandez of the poet who invents a world of symbols and obsessions. Here the everyday language used in everyday conversation, we are introduced after careful alchemy as the most powerful of all weapons. In a tradition so short of good poets in a major key, with the ability to talk tough without falling in altisonancias, Oscar Hernandez shows us a verse violent, like a waterfall of images breaks through memory and imagination, and leaves on his head a dizzying pace that is resonating several hours later as a kind of spell. And yet, amid the hectic, there are always those hints of tenderness and softness of the man that has not lost the wonder of childhood.

After the reading, except for some poems, in fact very few, leaves the impression of reading an anthology of a pure poet, important, and not a conventional book that the time was discarded. After all that the question arises, how disappears the scene as a poet Oscar Hernandez? The answer, unfortunately, appears to be unrelated to the exercise poetic reasons. In the meantime, before digging into the reasons of history, we have to celebrate a work worth reassessing, which deserves to be read and, thanks to this publication, National University, careful as this whole collection, could survive the tricks of oblivion. ++++++
* Simon metal

Who has not spoken to Bolivar?
Who has not said that freed many nations? Who does not know
in museums
his old sword of war or jacket who stayed behind glass?
All this has already been said, I look at the mineral. Bolivar and his pants
on all the parks that freedom in America;
bronze sword, his bronze horse, hard
eye, standing in the last contest.
squares in all the land it is falling moss
father, his sword
moss, moss all his bronze
and motionless flanks of his horse died. And put the manufacturer
a tin crown to last a few days,
become a father, bronze and the horse litter
long speeches.
thousand times have shouted: "Father of the country "
and yet, the owner of the rivers and foals, the glory remasca
operetta showcases
dark corners glory
and parks where there is no gardener but to open his fly. Poor father
Bolivar, punished in the bronze. Hence
no more sales, said the smelter,
and emptied the melted metal clay.
A soul burned Bolivar estatueros
the foundries.
From here we take a step, they said three men
when anchored under a tree and a bird.
Bolivar is dead, dead, is more dead
is tight on his bronze coffin
as a grain of wheat between two rocks;
Bolivar is dead on his horse;
From here we take a step;
and his boot was suspended in the air and another step
has not ever given.
generations are all the parks.
years ago spoke of the war,
our "bloody war"
with pants tied at the ankle.
They circled the statue and put the shoes on

pedestal and maligned the time.
Politicians came and said "the country"
licked the word "Republic"
waiting to eat a syllable, and finally arrived
to circle the statue with a crowd of children outside.
Who has not seen the sword of Bolivar
fighting the silence in a museum
his gun and shooting dead epics?
Who does not know who liberated five nations? And that held
this continent as a sword
from Colombia knotty fist?
What was a soldier and consumptive? Hence
not take a step, bronze horse Bolivar
the spurs in your owner
pierce not only the wind in his loins. Father
Corner Bolívar park,
're dying again every evening. ***

Simon fed wins,
covered with
war hanging from their bones, footprints
eat pigeons, privacy
insects, swallows

naps in the folds of his cloak stone.
Simon, son of the father and sword,
giving shelter to the birds. Simon
battle cries
sheathed in all the trees covered
now feeds a metallic silence.
universal Simon, Simon, America,
saved as a stronghold
the shadow of its parks,
its invisible doors and iron. Conquistador
ponds and pine, we've changed
the plain by the fish, the Andes
fog dark
change you back to the pines
and unbridled temper a stone dead on the lawn. They give you crowns

sad as your statue succeeds at dusk,
and every battle with the wind you have a hundred thousand corpses
Oh, Bolivar resigned stone, granite
dead meat museum
dust off your jacket,
rusty saber Simon Bolivar, liberator
forges and chisels.
In this America, yours and your arm is going to die
tuberculosis bronze.

Oscar Hernandez (Medellín 1925) Taken from
is also in:

The few words and other poems - Results of the Google Book Search ---- de-bolivar-and-its-multiple-batallas.html


updated: NTC ... / gra , Nov. 12, 2010. 2:50 PM

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Throat Infection With Swollen Gums

Emotional Depression - Dr. Armando Alducin (written Preaching - Part 3 of 4)

... it's called, ladies and gentlemen, perspective, the day a man believe that God is an Aladdin's lamp, that He is to satisfy our whims, to answer our questions when we want, without having us the attitude of humility, recognizing, Augustine since then acknowledged that he needed to be humble, because God's thoughts are greater than our thoughts, and it is as if God had 1 million watts and my head is 60 watts, you really want answers, if God would give them melt your 60 watts because they are bigger than your ability to understand what God can explain.

You do not know how it has helped me in my life, my Christian life, because never stop being assailed by doubts, and whenever I have doubts so serious and inexplicable things happen Why? at that time I remember only one thing God gave his life for me on the cross, and so from my perspective I think that if God were good, would not allow people to die well, and would not allow that girl of six years not, and would not allow me, that's how I think, as I gather, but I'm not God! Who am I? Pig worm water, microbe, parasite, worm trying I I! Finite creature, infinitely smaller than the mind of God, infinitely more foolish, sin has affected our mind and our concepts and our philosophical illogical conclusions, which I dare to say to God, get off your throne and siénteseme there!, and now I wear the cap of a judge and call you to the supreme court, and I'm going to judge, having seen answer me! Why did you do this and that? "I dare to believe that I can be smarter, and I think I can judge God? Pride, the pride of man. And when we have that attitude will never move forward. He found no answer.

And then we see next to last place for us to overcome our depression, we need to stop remembering the past and start looking towards the future. In verse 4 was the author of this Psalm: "I remember these things, and I remember the past," and there are marriages that "you remember what I did 15 years ago" that awful! Mrs. after 15 years still brings resentment in his heart, still has not forgiven, is still alive, latent, potentially his anger at her husband, but the female president of the Church, is a deacon, a teacher of the Bible , but that still brings venom against her husband. One of the biggest signs of immaturity of a Christian is that immature Christians living in the past, one of the biggest signs you've grown in Christ and that has matured, is that your past is dead, although there is force and potentially the brain, the subconscious mind can not forget because everything is recorded, since we were children, yet it's there, and not react to that, that is difference. Haber

if I understood, I do not forget, right? what they did 15 years ago and 10 years ago, because it is part of memory, but when that person I find it, that I did 15 years ago, and I find it right? And springs what he did to me, I'm so dead and myself, and I am so full of grace and mercy of God Why? because it made me and bury it, no longer hurt me, because I died along with Jesus Christ. Imagine a dead give him a kick, and then (gesture) Leje axis, you're not dead! Right? but no, it's going to be dead, dead reaction implies that it is dead, and when we react to the injustices of life demonstrates that been alive, if we're dead or alive.

You can not live in the past "is that you do not know brother, I abort seven children '" is that you do not know brother "yesterday I was a banker, was speaking at the first service that I ate with him in Santa Fe de Mexico , well, one of the largest branches, banks in Mexico, chains of Mexico, and Christian, went to our church, it was a year ago of the Church, I had not seen and talked to me before yesterday "urged me to talk to you 'and there he and his wife, smashed transformed, yesterday I sat down to talk with him "Armando help us please!" full of fear, full of fears, well what I was told my ears could not have been able to understand or accept, understand I said 'but you were a Christian marriage, you had the answers, you had the word of God, you have the Holy Spirit What happened? For the love of God, "and the answer was" we let go the hand of God, we pray together, we stopped attending church, we stop taking Bible studies, we stopped having friends and Christian marriages, we started "he began to prosper in the bank, and took him to succeed, and while more money had I confessed yesterday, more stealing, and the more earned more invested, and the more earning less handed him, because he had come loose from God, and Jesus said in John 15 "separated from my 'pride leads to depression.

And in last place, in Psalm 43 are three responses to depression. Psalm 42 and 43 were written by the same person, and we see first place in verse 1 and 2, the first answer to our depression 'judge me oh God and defend my cause, deliver me from evil people and the deceitful and wicked man " the first answer is that God will judge your cause " judge me "means" make me justice. " Many times God moves in great power as in the Exodus and the Red Sea opens and releases all his children, and sometimes he will allow the case you were in court, it seems that is winning, and your ex husband has more money, another ex-wife or family, with the person you're fighting, or the person you sued, and sometimes situations seem as if the ship sinks, and We are entering water, and it's raining, and that God is waiting to see how we react. What will you say? Are you going to worship? Are you going to continue to worship? Are you going to keep coming to church? Are you going to keep believing in him? Are you going to keep getting up on the circumstances? What will you do? First Peter 1, 4 and 5, "your faith, more precious than gold needs to be proven" there is no way to know if we are truly Christians more than how we react to the injustices of life.

often find that God shows us, right? He is leaving us, because He is waiting to judge us, so says the Bible more than 100 times "Beloved, do not take revenge, my beloved avenge not" Romans 12 "Beloved" Leviticus, Deuteronomy, the Gospels, not revenge, not in your hands take vengeance, vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay " Why? you see how this works spiritually, a person assaulted me and has something against me, throws me arrows of fire, I do something, it hurts me, if I answer the same way, he added fuel to the fire, the problem grows because the devil attacks us, and we just itching to get us to act in the spirit, and cause our flesh, my selfishness, my pride react, and when I get out of the spirit and start to act and respond, and cursing, swearing and that's what he wanted, and then I open with his darts of fire, because I have lost the shield of faith with which I can put all that send me.

When someone attacks me, tell me, slander me, it hurts my reputation, or you too, at this point if I pay with what he does with me good, then God saw that I did not come God knows that I come because I live by faith, I believe what he is telling me, so I did not come, I stand, and suffer the injury "I have wanted to squeeze his neck, right? I have wanted to give a charolazo a sartenazo my husband ' but I do, I knelt and I fall before God "Father judges my cause" and we bow before God and say "man you are my reason, you do me justice in that moment all enemy opposition unleashed in our lives, and we make God arises from his throne and tell the angels' wait a minute, and I'm going down yonder in the land, because down there on earth has touched someone "How someone who has touched ? TAS seeing that you're surrounded? "Christ told 'of people and say someone has touched me, but everyone squeezes you, but not the person who hit me did it in faith"

and so we are here on hundreds Church people worshiping God, and God alone touch it, God responds, to leave God and Christ came to heal the woman's blood flow, the power, we make God's power arises when we touch it with faith when we will believe and act on what He tells us, then God acts and their power comes from heaven to earth, and takes care of your hubby, and is responsible for your hubby, and is responsible for your brother, and is responsible the head of your job and anyone who tries to hurt us, the Bible says "beware those who touch my anointed" God told Abraham "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse those who curse you" and says Galatians 3 and Galatians 5 'to we are the seed of Abraham "and the blessing of Genesis 12 2 and 3, is mine is yours if you are a child of God.

and Psalm 37 says "the wicked may shoot prepares his bow to the just, and do not know that the arrow will turn in his heart" the Bible says that anyone who wants to harm me God says in Isaiah 41, Isaiah 45 " who conspires against you, conspire against me "and God says" I am your shield, your reward "What is a shield? is something ahead of me, somebody shoot me before I get to me, hits the shield, said God when he says "I am your shield, which wants to hurt you before I hurt my" Gloria God, bless his holy name, then what shall I fear? What is my frustration? Why am I discouraged?

Secondly says Psalm 43 verse 3 "send your light and your truth, they guide you, lead me to your holy mountain, and your dwelling 'second, the second answer to depression is the address of God life. A person who has no light before she suffers from fear, fear as Dr. Freud said, the past century, "the man is afraid of the unknown" your dark cave that does not enter, because they know there, but if anyone has a lamp, the lamp you go right? because you see that there is nothing, no scorpions, no bears etc. etc. light always motivate us forward, and says the Bible "which allow no light in the Lord" God will show you what you have to do, if you wait on Him

Continued ...

Part - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four

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