Sunday, October 17, 2010

Martha Stewart Waffle

The cry of the hourglass. Carlos-Enrique Ruiz. Poems. Aleph 2010. Virtual Edition NTC ... BIBLE

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The cry of the hourglass
Carlos-Enrique Ruiz
Aleph Magazine Publishing (7) , http://www
First print edition: August 2010.
166 pp. First editions virtual NTC ...: October 17, 2010.
Illustration: embroidery fabric, Indians (Mexico 2008)
(Click on the images to and make them more readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

Dedication: to: Livia


Number 7 of the series "Ediciones Revista Aleph"
Layout Andrea Betancourt G.
Cover: Embroidered fabric, Indians (Mexico 2008)
Printing: Editorial Andina - Manizales, ALEPH Col.
Magazine Publishing, ISSN 0120-0216 , Career
17 No.71-87, Manizales, Colombia, South America ++++++

picture and text in tabs.
Carlos-Enrique Ruiz (Manizales, Col., 1943). Civil Engineer. Director-founder of the Aleph magazine (1966 - ...) with existence 44 years and 154 editions the third quarter of 2010. Professor Emeritus, Honorary and "special ad-honorem" of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of Language. He has served as director of the Library National leadership in the university and professor ever. Hc Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Caldas. The central library of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Manizales, Campus la Nubia) bears his name ( 1) , assigned by the Ministry of Education Resolutions National Council Headquarters. Director of the "Chair Aleph" in the UN.

Author: "Say" (Manizales, Col, E. A., 1981), "Imagery of ways" (collection of writings from the eighties: say any other feat, Memory city, images of words, imagery of roads, the little things in the wonder of life, this pleasant smell of apples, Glare without stars in the chest, dye leakage in the memory, walking on tracks indecipherable. Manizales, E. A., 1989); "bias of carnation (Sanlibrario Ediciones, Bogotá 2004)," Notions of the watchtower "(Ed. Sanlibrario, Bogotá 2005)," Summer Rains "(Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2006); "Truce at dawn" (Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2007), "One Hundred Years in the mirage of nostalgia" (Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2007), "Stories of Aleph - Selection" (Ed. Universidad de Caldas, Manizales 2007); "Signs of Hope" (Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2008); Matilde Espinosa in the life and poetry contest (Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2009), "The veil of dreams "(Ed. Magazine Aleph, Manizales 2009); " Education and Humanism in university life " (Ed. Master Page Editores, Bogotá 2010). Essays, and his poems have been accepted in some journals. -----

first reading commentary

By Cecilia Balcazar

Bucher I read with great attention and yanked The cry of the hourglass , congratulations on this achievement poetry. With a certain shyness on my part, I venture a few comments on first reading:

's poem is a unity of tone from beginning to end. Poems are full of experience, of nostalgia, and also of disappointment. There is an undercurrent of absence, emptiness, what is not or was not, of memories.

Enter the inexorable passage of time with a certain detachment, without anguish. There is a clear hope appear retained in the other dimensions. It is a painful pilgrimage filled with lyricism, with a hint of elegy suggests moments as a solemn funeral march and measured in its course epic, in understandable outcry about the fate of the species and its relationship with the cosmos ignored. There is a sharp counterpoint between what belongs to the human and the omnipresence of an independent nature which is more than the stage of the proceedings. The language and silence are intertwined and opposed in various meetings. There is a skepticism about the possibility of true dialogue, on the deception of passion and a sober assessment as a kind of love.

The poet, as a viewer walks her inquisitive look through the different stages of the human condition of their tragedy and despair. Salvation has HOWEVER their meeting point in the beauty of the human alien worlds.

Cecilia Balcazar Bucher (Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Language, university professor and global policy of PEN-International) Bogota, July 3, 2010

Texts on the back cover:
"Magnificent and expressed surprise transitional power of man, the mystery of time, the indecipherable marks of the human paradox that we embody, the final harrowing ocean of hope hopeless, compared to the unfathomable vastness rivers lead sung by Jorge Manrique. " Carlos Martín (1986)
" It is pathetic to witness the fate of a man in full time thinking about the daily struggle, the prodigal nature, the human environment warm and elusive, in its clearness and darkness, their revelations and cover-the miracle of poetry has managed to conjure with the spell of the word purge in the excitement of feeling, she received ... / Needless to say, my reading of the poem does not end, the lucky things that have to approach them opens the door to the promised land: the symbolic world of true poetry, supreme confluence space understanding and feeling ... " Osejo Luciano Mora (1989)
" ... And what poems of yours, like the sound of sacred silence. " Gabriel Restrepo" (2010)
"... how I am glad to see the profusion of metaphors and deep serene, I like these verses of yours, ..." Nelson Vallejo-Gómez (2010)


virtual editions of the entire book.
thank the poet and author of the book and sending the authorization to publish -e . Joyfully celebrate their new collection of poems and broad reaching and humanistic endeavor.
. ***
Format. Pdf in Google Documents:
Ruiz, Carlos Enrique. El_clamor_de_la_clepsidra.pdf
https: / / / FileView? Id = 0B-ABjQmYGMXbNDFiMmRlZGEtZDEzZC00ZjIxLWIwNTctMzNkYjIxMThkYjAy & hl = en
*** Format. Pdf in Issuu:
The cry of the hourglass. Carlos Enrique Ruiz. Poems
NTC ... about the author and his works:
*** Thursday April 23, 2009
Matilde Espinosa in the life and poetry contest ,
*** Tuesday March 16, 2010
education and humanism in university life. Carlos-Enrique Ruiz.
*** +++++

updated: NTC ... / degrees. Sunday, October 17, 2010, 8:13 a.m.


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