Thursday, September 9, 2010

Glow In The Dark Piercings Must Be Charged?

soul. Oreste Donadío. ANTHOLOGY OF Nadaism

Portal-blog complementary to NTC ... we ran ... , Cali, Colombia.
And those related to:
The invisible soul birds
Oreste Donadío
Scholarship Poetry Collection - Medellin 2009
Syllable Publishers, 2010.
Cover of the book.
(Click on images to enlarge them and make them readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)

. Donadio Oreste

(Medellin - Colombia, 1965)
Painter, poet and writer.

Master Painting Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy.
Since 1989 he has exhibited his work individually and collectively in Italy and Colombia.
was selected to participate in the National Salon of Artists XXXV (Corferias, Bogotá
1994), the exhibition Fifty Years of Painting and Sculpture in Antioquia (Museo de Arte Moderno
, Medellín 1994) and in several rooms Artists Regional Area West Center,
organized by the Ministry of Culture.
The transparent maze (New Man Publishers, 2007 Medellín. - Syllable Publishers, 2010 Medellín.)
The invisible lines of the poem
The slight thinness of this poetry is put in the word you think, at the break slowly carved the traditional way, in a way that has nothing to do with the urgency of the verb or less, with the apparent effectiveness of the poem fact glare or ornaments.
And not far away the mystery of these lines, the language is not said that, in turn, defines not infrequently the true effectiveness of the language beyond jingle playing and entertaining. As when you define poetry:

whisper in your ear, snail blood and memory of old songs
unknown pastors, clerks
the wind in the cliffs.

There are meetings here of true poetry, which becomes more beautiful in their carefree way to mention things in the world and inner feelings of the soul because it lacks emphasis carefree, because it puts the emphasis on silence.

Luis Germain Sierra
The Friday, September 10, 2010, at 17:30
Held Book Festival Medellín , 2010 . Hall Linnaeus, Botanical Garden.
(Click on images to enlarge them and make them readable. Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return to here)
NEWSLETTER SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The creation ARTISITICA Y ... 20of% 20interes/Acta% 20ganadoresbecas2009.pdf

Updates: NTC ... / gra. Septum. 9, 2010, 9:45 AM ++++++


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