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Juan Manuel Roca :
http://ntcpoesia .blogspot.com/2009_05_25_archive.html
Antonio Samudio
http://www.colarte.com / counts / S / SamudioAntonio / critica.htm
From: Carlos Vidales < carlos@bredband.net >
To: NTC < ntcgra@gmail.com >
Date: Stockholm, September 23, 2010, 12:37
have already mentioned the book, just what I received from my dear poet Juan Manuel Roca.
As my father was a comedian incurable, I think of justice to make a humorous comment on their behalf.
has always been discussions about the date of birth of Luis Vidales. For many decades, said he was born in 1904, until shortly before his death, me and others it occurred to us that something did not fit in the family chronology. Research conducted a plausible hypothesis: born in 1900, during the War of a Thousand Days, and for political reasons was not baptized then, but in 1904. He remembered the poet in the act of baptism itself, up to four years, he said "fucking cure" the dedicated Goth cassock that he was throwing holy water in his head. You never know who taught him to say those bad words so unmannerly.
After many inquiries, I managed to get the "baptism" genuine and real. "Authentic? The parish priest of Calarcá that issued the certificate corrected the initial error (1904) but switched to another even more glaring error. So now we have three Nelson Luis Vidales, one born in 1900, another who was born in 1904 and one whose birth date I reserve for now, for reasons I will say later. Now let
his death, I have the death certificate signed by Dr. Castelblanco, indicating the night of June 14, 1990 as date of death. I have cuts El Espectador and El Tiempo * Day 15 June 1990 , giving the news of the death of the poet. And I have a beautiful book from my cousin Juan Manuel Roca and excellent writer Antonio Samudio, we report the death of the deceased (I know, the deceased is not death, but it's a beautiful figure of speech is not it?) in September 1990.
Thus, three Nelson Luis Vidales, we have killed two: one in June and another in September 1990. The third, which goes live there, born on the date indicated in the baptismal Calarcá issued by a priest clueless.
And I'm not going to give the precise information that is written in that baptism, I am sure that if I do, we will die Nelson Luis Vidales that we still live, and there they fucked us.
Greetings. Carlos Vidales
------ 23/09/2010
NTC * Note ...: In the digital files from 1911 to El Tiempo, which recently "hung" on the Internet in partnership with Google, you can see and read the news of June 15, 1990: http://www.eltiempo.com/eltiempoimpreso/home/index.php?modeq=poranio&anio=1990
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updated: NTC ... / degrees. September 23, 2010, 9:45 a.m.