Monday, July 5, 2010

Slidworks Conveyor Belt Model

poster for the 2nd week of the Fair Lord CHALHUANCA Animas (Apurimac)

6 bulls 6, Juan Carlos Cubas Checayani, David Esteve and Morenito of Canta.

Finally after much waiting and they have news about the Fair "Lord of Souls" by CHALHUANCA that as every year are performed on days 1 and 2 August, the news was confirmed to us from the same City of Chalhuanca even if you had knowledge of that information this was not confirmed by the organizers of the 2nd day which we could not publish it at the time, the posters have already been published in Chalhuanca and surely soon here in Lima, so estimates fans on Monday August 2 will be fought 6 TOROS 6 pure breed of cattle for slaughter CHECAYANI Juan Carlos Cubas (Huancayo-Peru) and David Esteban Beltrán (Valencia, Spain), completed the trio of young bullfighter Carlos Ramírez "Morenito Canta (Sing-Peru).

The expectation is the most since Juan Carlos Cubas is one of the most representative figures Peruvian bullfighting and returns to the Plaza de Toros of the Lord of Souls for the second time where he was cheered by the public chalhuanquino the afternoon of 2 August 2009 compared to a bull in Santa Rosa de Lima. Another reason for which the expectation is in full swing is that tanks will be at the Fair of the Lord of Miracles "Acho 2010 in the" Running of the Peruvian "that since he was victorious and the front door last After the November 15, 2009 by cutting the highest number of ears (3) of the fair and a great slaughter of a bull's Colombian Ahumada "Master", in my opinion as an amateur in that bullfighting fair Rimac council stole the scapular of the Lord of miracles granted to the English Miguel Angel Perera right to terminate without any merit who had more options and I participate in two afternoons.

Another thing about farming is that Checayani and Chalhuanca dealt five copies, the last time was on August 2, 2008 with the participation of the skilled David Gil, Alfonso Simpson and José Arcila, giving good game general.

We can only hope the day that the Lord of Souls portion luck to all.
taurine The second evening is organized by the captains of the Plaza: Mr. Ricardo Polo Contreras and Family to whom we send our sincere congratulations for the tremendous effort that year after year we have all the captains to take the responsibility to organize the Apurimac festival, the biggest of southern Peru.

Juan Carlos Cubas
Huancayo - Junín (Peru), July 9, 1986.
debut at the Plaza Acho picks: On November 3, 2002. Livestock: Juan Manuel Roca Rey. Poster: Ivan Garcia and Aldo Orozco. (Ear).
Alternative: in Lima, in the November 28, 2004. Godfather: Juan Serrano "Finito de Córdoba". Witness: Javier Conde. Toros de El Paraíso.

This year has been fighting in the main cities inside the country and will attend the Fair of the Lord of Miracles "Acho 2010

Juan Carlos Cubas Chalhuanca 02 - 2008-2009

David Esteban Beltrán
Rafelbunyol (Valencia), 16 September 1986.
light Debut: August 17, 2003 in Ondara (Alicante).
Alternative: Valencia afternoon March 19, 2007. Back to the bull ring of your choice. Godfather: Enrique Ponce. Witness: José María Manzanares. Cuvillo Núñez del Toro.

This year has been fighting in the interior of the country fairs and had a recently caught in a run in the town of Baños-Huánuco on May 4, 2010 which is healed.

Founder: Mr. Humphrey
Macedo Ruiz Year: 1965
Currency: blue and white gold,
Bookmark: Gateway
Joined: February 17, 1972 Hometown
foundational cows and Carlos Island Stallion
Gallese and Urquijo (Esp)
Location: Azángaro, Puno.


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